Given an custom operation, then the user has defined what operation this superoperation consists of. The function should be able to split this superoperation into it's component operations.
User story: As an ASIC-programmer I want to be able to split my custom operation into it's component operations to rebuild it with different component operations.
Rasmus Karlssonadded 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
I think it would be great if you tried to define how this splitting is supposed to work, either as a user story or just a general comment. Is the user supposed to define the components of the operation or is it going to happen automatically somehow?
I think it would be fitting if the custom operation split automatically into its components. The user calls Split and it should return all of the Superoperation's component operations. Depending on how the Superoperation is defined I would say the signals could still be attached to the respective component operations, which means the user does not have to reattach the signals manually.
Isn't the custom operation basically a SFG, so the connections could be preserved by just iterating over the components of the SFG and extract the operations.
Please add a user story from the perspective of the user, like "As a user I want to be able to split an custom operation and the resulting operations should preserve the connections between the operations.". Then the user stories should be good.
As a SFG programmer I want to be able to split a custom operation into its component operations with the signals preserved, meaning they are still connected to respective operations.
Have implemented but not tested issue. Kind of mixed up the TDD-focus we have by implementing first, but
needed serious help understanding code so it kind of got implemented along the way. Will write tests cases and security measures now. 70% done