Every git commit will be signed by the git client using a combination of the configured user name and email address, this information will then be embedded into the history of the project to which it is pushed. Requests to erase, remove, or rectify this information after it has become part of the history of a project will inevitably cause disruptions to the project in question, and any such request may instead be served through a complete removal of the project in question.
I accept that my voluntary contributions to any academic Linköping University project - course material, etc - will leave my name and email address embedded as part of the history of the project, which may be publicly available. I understand that the removal of said information would be impermissibly destructive to the project and to the interests of all those who contribute, utilize, and / or benefit from it. Therefore, in consideration of any such project, I hereby waive any rights to request erasure, removal, or rectification of any information so embedded in said project under any applicable privacy or other law and acknowledge and understand that providing this information is a requirement under the agreement to contribute to Linköping University's academic projects.
Requests for further information about available rights and actions should be directed to the Data Protection Officer at Linköping University.