Operation Naming System
Description of issue:
Implement the naming system for operations. Each operation of a given type should be able to have a name.
Linked Requirements:(28)
Potential Issues:None
Blockers:( #23 (closed) )
Issue Requirements:- A user should be able to give an operation a name
- Names should not have to be unique
The implementation should be able to handle custom names from the user.
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- Jacob Wahlman added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- Jacob Wahlman changed the description
changed the description
- Jacob Wahlman mentioned in issue #5 (closed)
mentioned in issue #5 (closed)
- Jacob Wahlman marked this issue as related to #5 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #5 (closed)
- Jacob Wahlman changed title from Namn-system för operationer to Operation Naming System
changed title from Namn-system för operationer to Operation Naming System
- Jacob Wahlman changed the description
changed the description
- Jacob Wahlman mentioned in issue #6 (closed)
mentioned in issue #6 (closed)
- Jacob Wahlman mentioned in issue #7 (closed)
mentioned in issue #7 (closed)
- Jacob Wahlman mentioned in issue #9 (closed)
mentioned in issue #9 (closed)
- Jacob Wahlman changed the description
changed the description
- Jacob Wahlman added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
- Jacob Wahlman added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- Jacob Wahlman changed time estimate to 1d
changed time estimate to 1d
- Jacob Wahlman changed milestone to %Sprint 1
changed milestone to %Sprint 1
- Jacob Wahlman assigned to @kevsc634
assigned to @kevsc634
- Jacob Wahlman assigned to @adaja901 and unassigned @kevsc634
- Jacob Wahlman assigned to @anglo547 and unassigned @adaja901
- Contributor
Begin working on this issue.
- Angus Lothian created branch
to address this issuecreated branch
to address this issue - Contributor
Though about how to implement this issue and arrived at the following solution which has been implemented: Added Graph Component interface and Abstract Graph Component class that saves name of a graph object. Also reworked where typename is declared. Added support for setting name from derived classes of abstract graph component.
- Angus Lothian added 4h of time spent at 2020-03-03
added 4h of time spent at 2020-03-03
- Contributor
Changed so that signal flow graph uses the graph component interface instead of handling both Operation and Signal separately. Changed it so that signal also inherits from abstract graphcomponent.
- Angus Lothian added 30m of time spent at 2020-03-03
added 30m of time spent at 2020-03-03
- Contributor
Made some changes to SFG to make sure that it correctly implements the Graph Component interface. Still needs testing which is hard to implement without a proper SFG constructor.
- Angus Lothian added 1h of time spent at 2020-03-04
added 1h of time spent at 2020-03-04
- Contributor
Added implementation to develop in !2 (merged)
- Angus Lothian added Needs testing label
added Needs testing label
- Angus Lothian removed 1 deleted label
removed 1 deleted label
- Angus Lothian added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- Angus Lothian mentioned in merge request !6 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !6 (merged)
- Contributor
Solved some comments and pylint warnings for !6 (merged) , still not finished though.
- Angus Lothian added 2h of time spent at 2020-03-04
added 2h of time spent at 2020-03-04
- Contributor
Solved more comments and pylint warning for !6 (merged).
- Angus Lothian added 1h of time spent at 2020-03-05
added 1h of time spent at 2020-03-05
- Jacob Wahlman mentioned in commit 1541f59d
mentioned in commit 1541f59d
- Contributor
Added implementation in !6 (merged) , still needs testing which will be added when the SFG interface is finished.
- Jacob Wahlman closed
- Jacob Wahlman removed Needs testing + 1 deleted label
removed Needs testing + 1 deleted label
- Jacob Wahlman added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- Jacob Wahlman added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label