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  • da/B-ASIC
  • lukja239/B-ASIC
  • robal695/B-ASIC
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......@@ -764,19 +764,75 @@ of :class:`~b_asic.architecture.ProcessingElement`
d_out[i][v] += 1
return [dict(d) for d in d_in], [dict(d) for d in d_out]
def resource_from_name(self, name: str):
def resource_from_name(self, name: str) -> Resource:
Get :class:`Resource` based on name.
name : str
Name of the resource.
re = {p.entity_name: p for p in chain(self.memories, self.processing_elements)}
return re[name]
def remove_resource(
resource: Union[str, Resource],
) -> None:
Remove an empty :class:`Resource` from the architecture.
resource : :class:`b_asic.architecture.Resource` or str
The resource or the resource name to remove.
if isinstance(resource, str):
resource = self.resource_from_name(resource)
if resource.collection:
raise ValueError("Resource must be empty")
if resource in self.memories:
elif resource in self.processing_elements:
raise ValueError('Resource not in architecture')
def assign_resources(self, heuristic: str = "left_edge") -> None:
Convenience method to assign all resources in the architecture.
heuristic : str, default: "left_edge"
The heurstic to use.
See Also
for resource in chain(self.memories, self.processing_elements):
def move_process(
proc: Union[str, Process],
re_from: Union[str, Resource],
re_to: Union[str, Resource],
assign: bool = False,
) -> None:
Move a :class:`b_asic.process.Process` from one resource to another.
Move a :class:`b_asic.process.Process` from one :class:`Resource` to another.
Both the resource moved from and will become unassigned after a process has been
moved, unless *assign* is set to True.
......@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_tester is
WL : integer;
ROWS : integer;
COLS : integer
WL : integer;
ROWS : integer;
COLS : integer;
ENABLE_DEL_CC : integer := 0 -- CCs after enable to start feeding the circuit
clk, rst, en : out std_logic;
......@@ -40,21 +41,36 @@ begin
-- Input generation
input_gen_proc: process begin
wait until en = '1';
for i in 0 to ROWS*COLS-1 loop
wait for ENABLE_DEL_CC*10 ns;
for i in 0 to 4*ROWS*COLS-1 loop
wait until clk = '0';
input <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, input'length));
end loop;
end process;
-- Timeout test
timeout_test_proc: process begin
wait until en = '1';
wait for 1 ms;
report "Timeout failure: 1 ms passed after enable=1" severity failure;
end process;
-- Output testing
output_test_proc: process begin
wait until en = '1';
wait until output = std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, output'length));
for col in 0 to COLS-1 loop
for row in 0 to ROWS-1 loop
wait until clk = '0';
check(output = std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(row*COLS + col, output'length)));
for i in 0 to 3 loop
for col in 0 to COLS-1 loop
for row in 0 to ROWS-1 loop
wait until clk = '0';
output =
to_unsigned(i*ROWS*COLS + row*COLS + col, output'length)
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
done <= true;
......@@ -63,6 +79,48 @@ begin
end architecture behav;
-- 2x2 memory based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_2x2_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_2x2_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_2x2_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
signal clk, rst, en : std_logic;
-- VUnit test runner
process begin
test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);
wait until done = true;
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_2x2
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>2, COLS=>2) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 3x3 memory based matrix transposition
......@@ -101,21 +159,21 @@ begin
end architecture behav;
-- 4x8 memory based matrix transposition
-- 4x4 memory based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x4_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x4_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x4_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
......@@ -130,13 +188,51 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x4
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>4, COLS=>8) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>4, COLS=>4, ENABLE_DEL_CC=>1)
port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 5x5 memory based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_5x5_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_5x5_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_5x5_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
signal clk, rst, en : std_logic;
-- VUnit test runner
process begin
test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);
wait until done = true;
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_5x5
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>5, COLS=>5, ENABLE_DEL_CC=>2)
port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 7x7 memory based matrix transposition
......@@ -171,27 +267,28 @@ begin
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_7x7
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>7, COLS=>7) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>7, COLS=>7, ENABLE_DEL_CC=>3)
port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 7x7 register based matrix transposition
-- 4x8 memory based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
......@@ -206,29 +303,30 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>7, COLS=>7) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>4, COLS=>8, ENABLE_DEL_CC=>2)
port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 5x5 register based matrix transposition
-- 2x2 register based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
......@@ -243,10 +341,47 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>5, COLS=>5) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>2, COLS=>2) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 3x3 register based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
signal clk, rst, en : std_logic;
-- VUnit test runner
process begin
test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);
wait until done = true;
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>3, COLS=>3) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
......@@ -287,23 +422,22 @@ begin
end architecture behav;
-- 3x3 register based matrix transposition
-- 5x5 register based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
......@@ -318,29 +452,29 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>3, COLS=>3) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>5, COLS=>5) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 2x2 register based matrix transposition
-- 7x7 register based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
......@@ -355,14 +489,13 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>2, COLS=>2) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>7, COLS=>7) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 4x8 register based matrix transposition
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -133,6 +133,17 @@ def signal_declaration(
def alias_declaration(
f: TextIO,
name: str,
signal_type: str,
value: Optional[str] = None,
name_pad: Optional[int] = None,
name_pad = name_pad or 0
write(f, 1, f'alias {name:<{name_pad}} : {signal_type} is {value};')
def constant_declaration(
f: TextIO,
name: str,
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def memory_based_storage(
(0, '-- Clock, synchronous reset and enable signals'),
(2, '-- Clock, synchronous reset and enable signals'),
(2, 'clk : in std_logic;'),
(2, 'rst : in std_logic;'),
(2, 'en : in std_logic;'),
......@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ def memory_based_storage(
# Write the input port specification
f.write(f'{2*VHDL_TAB}-- Memory port I/O\n')
read_ports: set[Port] = set(
read_ports: set[Port] = {
read_port for mv in collection for read_port in mv.read_ports
) # type: ignore
} # type: ignore
for idx, read_port in enumerate(read_ports):
port_name = read_port if isinstance(read_port, int) else
port_name = 'p_' + str(port_name) + '_in'
......@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ class Constant(AbstractOperation):
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.value}"
class Addition(AbstractOperation):
Binary addition operation.
......@@ -1263,3 +1262,45 @@ class Shift(AbstractOperation):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("value must be an int")
self.set_param("value", value)
class Sink(AbstractOperation):
Sink operation.
Used for ignoring the output from another operation to avoid dangling output nodes.
name : Name, optional
Operation name.
_execution_time = 0
is_linear = True
def __init__(self, name: Name = ""):
"""Construct a Sink operation."""
latency_offsets={"in0": 0},
def type_name(cls) -> TypeName:
return TypeName("sink")
def evaluate(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def latency(self) -> int:
return self.latency_offsets["in0"]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "Sink()"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "sink"
......@@ -30,9 +30,17 @@ class Process:
self._name = name
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._start_time < other.start_time or (
self._start_time == other.start_time
and self.execution_time > other.execution_time
return (
self._start_time < other.start_time
or (
self._start_time == other.start_time
and self.execution_time > other.execution_time
or ( # Sorting on name to possibly get deterministic behavior
self._start_time == other.start_time
and self.execution_time == other.execution_time
and self._name <
import io
import re
from collections import Counter
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import reduce
from math import log2
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
......@@ -97,9 +98,10 @@ def draw_exclusion_graph_coloring(
color_dict: Dict[Process, int],
ax: Optional[Axes] = None,
color_list: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Tuple[float, float, float]]]] = None,
) -> None:
Helper function for drawing a colored exclusion graphs.
Helper function for drawing colored exclusion graphs.
Example usage:
......@@ -131,6 +133,8 @@ def draw_exclusion_graph_coloring(
A Matplotlib :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object to draw the exclusion graph.
color_list : iterable of color, optional
A list of colors in Matplotlib format.
**kwargs : Any
Named arguments passed on to :func:`networkx.draw_networkx`
......@@ -165,6 +169,7 @@ def draw_exclusion_graph_coloring(
pos=nx.spring_layout(exclusion_graph, seed=1),
......@@ -497,6 +502,17 @@ class ProcessCollection:
def __contains__(self, process: Process) -> bool:
Test if a process is part of this ProcessCollection
process : :class:`~b_asic.process.Process`
The process to test.
return process in self.collection
def plot(
ax: Optional[Axes] = None,
......@@ -848,7 +864,7 @@ class ProcessCollection:
def split_on_execution_time(
heuristic: str = "graph_color",
heuristic: str = "left_edge",
coloring_strategy: str = "saturation_largest_first",
) -> List["ProcessCollection"]:
......@@ -886,7 +902,7 @@ class ProcessCollection:
def split_on_ports(
heuristic: str = "graph_color",
heuristic: str = "left_edge",
read_ports: Optional[int] = None,
write_ports: Optional[int] = None,
total_ports: Optional[int] = None,
......@@ -903,7 +919,7 @@ class ProcessCollection:
Valid options are:
* "graph_color"
* "..."
* "left_edge"
read_ports : int, optional
The number of read ports used when splitting process collection based on
......@@ -926,9 +942,106 @@ class ProcessCollection:
if heuristic == "graph_color":
return self._split_ports_graph_color(read_ports, write_ports, total_ports)
elif heuristic == "left_edge":
return self.split_ports_sequentially(
raise ValueError("Invalid heuristic provided.")
def split_ports_sequentially(
read_ports: int,
write_ports: int,
total_ports: int,
sequence: List[Process],
) -> List["ProcessCollection"]:
Split this collection into multiple new collections by sequentially assigning
processes in the order of `sequence`.
This method takes the processes from `sequence`, in order, and assignes them to
to multiple new `ProcessCollection` based on port collisions in a first-come
first-served manner. The first `Process` in `sequence` is assigned first, and
the last `Proccess` in `sequence is assigned last.
read_ports : int
The number of read ports used when splitting process collection based on
memory variable access.
write_ports : int
The number of write ports used when splitting process collection based on
memory variable access.
total_ports : int
The total number of ports used when splitting process collection based on
memory variable access.
sequence : list of `Process`
A list of the processes used to determine the order in which processes are
list of `ProcessCollection`
A set of new ProcessCollection objects with the process splitting.
def ports_collide(proc: Process, collection: ProcessCollection):
Predicate test if insertion of a process `proc` results in colliding ports
when inserted to `collection` based on the `read_ports`, `write_ports`, and
# Test the number of concurrent write accesses
collection_writes = defaultdict(int, collection.write_port_accesses())
if collection_writes[proc.start_time] >= write_ports:
return True
# Test the number of concurrent read accesses
collection_reads = defaultdict(int, collection.read_port_accesses())
for proc_read_time in proc.read_times:
if collection_reads[proc_read_time % self.schedule_time] >= read_ports:
return True
# Test the number of total accesses
collection_total_accesses = defaultdict(
int, Counter(collection_writes) + Counter(collection_reads)
for access_time in [proc.start_time, *proc.read_times]:
if collection_total_accesses[access_time] >= total_ports:
return True
# No collision detected
return False
# Make sure that processes from `sequence` and and `self` are equal
if set(self.collection) != set(sequence):
raise KeyError("processes in `sequence` must be equal to processes in self")
collections: List[ProcessCollection] = []
for process in sequence:
process_added = False
for collection in collections:
if not ports_collide(process, collection):
process_added = True
if not process_added:
# Stuff the process in a new collection
# Return the list of created ProcessCollections
return collections
def _split_ports_graph_color(
read_ports: int,
......@@ -1142,7 +1255,10 @@ class ProcessCollection:
read_ports: int = 1,
write_ports: int = 1,
total_ports: int = 2,
input_sync: bool = True,
adr_mux_size: Optional[int] = None,
adr_pipe_depth: Optional[int] = None,
Generate VHDL code for memory based storage of processes (MemoryVariables).
......@@ -1177,6 +1293,13 @@ class ProcessCollection:
Adding registers to the inputs allow pipelining of address generation
(which is added automatically). For large interleavers, this can improve
timing significantly.
adr_mux_size : int, optional
Size of multiplexer if using address generation pipelining. Set to `None`
for no multiplexer pipelining. If any other value than `None`, `input_sync`
must also be set.
adr_pipe_depth : int, optional
Depth of address generation pipelining. Set to `None` for no multiplexer
pipelining. If any other value than None, `input_sync` must also be set.
# Check that entity name is a valid VHDL identifier
if not is_valid_vhdl_identifier(entity_name):
......@@ -1232,6 +1355,34 @@ class ProcessCollection:
' generate HDL for this ProcessCollection'
# Sanitize the address logic pipeline settings
if adr_mux_size is not None and adr_pipe_depth is not None:
if adr_mux_size < 1:
raise ValueError(
f'adr_mux_size={adr_mux_size} need to be greater than zero'
if adr_pipe_depth < 0:
raise ValueError(
f'adr_pipe_depth={adr_pipe_depth} needs to be non-negative'
if not input_sync:
raise ValueError('input_sync needs to be set to use address pipelining')
if not log2(adr_mux_size).is_integer():
raise ValueError(
f'adr_mux_size={adr_mux_size} needs to be interger power of two'
if adr_mux_size**adr_pipe_depth > assignment[0].schedule_time:
raise ValueError(
f'adr_mux_size={adr_mux_size}, adr_pipe_depth={adr_pipe_depth} => '
'more multiplexer inputs than schedule_time='
if adr_mux_size is not None or adr_pipe_depth is not None:
raise ValueError(
'both or none of adr_mux_size and adr_pipe_depth needs to be set'
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
from b_asic.codegen.vhdl import architecture, common, entity
......@@ -1249,6 +1400,8 @@ class ProcessCollection:
adr_mux_size=1 if adr_mux_size is None else adr_mux_size,
adr_pipe_depth=0 if adr_pipe_depth is None else adr_pipe_depth,
def split_on_length(
......@@ -181,3 +181,23 @@ arch = Architecture(
# %%
# Move memory variables to optimize architecture
arch.move_process('addsub2.0', 'memory3', 'memory2')
arch.move_process('bfly2.0', 'memory2', 'memory3')
arch.move_process('cmul2.0', 'memory1', 'memory0')
arch.move_process('bfly3.0', 'memory0', 'memory1')
arch.move_process('cmul3.0', 'memory4', 'memory0')
# %%
# Memory 4 is now empty, so remove it.
for memory in arch.memories:
memory.show_content(title=f"Improved {memory.entity_name}")
......@@ -98,43 +98,3 @@ arch = Architecture(
# %%
# The architecture can be rendered in enriched shells.
# %%
# To reduce the amount of interconnect, the ``cuml2.0`` variable can be moved from
# ``memory0`` to ``memory2``. In this way, ``memory0`` only gets variables from the
# adder and an input multiplexer can be avoided. The memories must be assigned again as
# the contents have changed.
arch.move_process('cmul2.0', 'memory0', 'memory2')
memories[0].show_content("New assigned memory0")
memories[2].show_content("New assigned memory2")
# %%
# Looking at the architecture it is clear that there is now only one input to
# ``memory0``, so no input multiplexer is required.
# %%
# It is of course also possible to move ``add3.0`` to ``memory2`` to save one memory
# cell. It is possible to pass ``assign=True`` to perform assignment after moving.
arch.move_process('add3.0', 'memory0', 'memory2', assign=True)
memories[0].show_content("New assigned memory0")
memories[2].show_content("New assigned memory2")
# %%
# However, this comes at the expense of an additional input to ``memory2``.
# %%
# Finally, by noting that ``cmul0.0`` is the only variable from ``memory1`` going to
# ``in0`` of ``adder``, another multiplexer can be reduced by:
arch.move_process('cmul0.0', 'memory1', 'memory2', assign=True)
memories[1].show_content("New assigned memory1")
memories[2].show_content("New assigned memory2")
# %%
# Leading to
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ sfg.set_execution_time_of_type(AddSub.type_name(), 1)
schedule = Schedule(sfg, cyclic=True)
# %%
# Reschedule to only use one AddSub and one ConstantMultiplication per time unit
schedule.move_operation('out0', 11)
......@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ schedule.move_operation('addsub2', -1)
schedule.move_operation('addsub4', -4)
# %%
# Extract memory variables and operation executions
operations = schedule.get_operations()
adders = operations.get_by_type_name(AddSub.type_name())
......@@ -123,7 +125,8 @@ for i, mem in enumerate(mem_vars_set):
memory.show_content(title=f"Assigned {memory.entity_name}")
# %%
# Create architecture
arch = Architecture(
{addsub, multiplier, pe_in, pe_out}, memories, direct_interconnects=direct
......@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ arch = Architecture(
# %%
# Move memory variables
# Move memory variables to reduce the size of memory1
arch.move_process('addsub1.0', memories[2], memories[1])
arch.move_process('addsub3.0', memories[1], memories[2], assign=True)
......@@ -157,10 +157,7 @@ def test_architecture(schedule_direct_form_iir_lp_filter: Schedule):
# Graph representation
# Parts are non-deterministic, but this first part seems OK
s = (
'digraph {\n\tnode [shape=box]\n\tsplines=spline\n\tsubgraph'
' cluster_memories'
s = 'digraph {\n\tnode [shape=box]\n\tsplines=spline\n\tsubgraph cluster_memories'
assert architecture._digraph().source.startswith(s)
s = 'digraph {\n\tnode [shape=box]\n\tsplines=spline\n\tMEM0'
assert architecture._digraph(cluster=False).source.startswith(s)
......@@ -229,9 +226,9 @@ def test_move_process(schedule_direct_form_iir_lp_filter: Schedule):
architecture.move_process('in0.0', memories[1], memories[0])
assert memories[0].collection.from_name('in0.0')
assert processing_elements[1].collection.from_name('add0')
architecture.move_process('add0', processing_elements[1], processing_elements[0])
assert processing_elements[0].collection.from_name('add0')
architecture.move_process('add0', processing_elements[0], processing_elements[1])
assert processing_elements[1].collection.from_name('add0')
# Processes leave the resources they have moved from
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
......@@ -239,7 +236,7 @@ def test_move_process(schedule_direct_form_iir_lp_filter: Schedule):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
# Processes can only be moved when the source and destination process-types match
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="cmul3.0 not of type"):
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ from b_asic import (
......@@ -404,3 +406,16 @@ class TestDepends:
bfly1 = Butterfly()
assert set(bfly1.inputs_required_for_output(0)) == {0, 1}
assert set(bfly1.inputs_required_for_output(1)) == {0, 1}
class TestSink:
def test_create_sfg_with_sink(self):
bfly = Butterfly()
sfg = bfly.to_sfg()
s = Sink()
sfg1 = sfg.replace_operation(s, "out0")
sfg2 = SFG(sfg1.input_operations, sfg1.output_operations[1:])
assert sfg2.output_count == 1
assert sfg2.input_count == 2
assert sfg.evaluate_output(1, [0,1]) == sfg2.evaluate_output(0, [0,1])
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pytest
import matplotlib.testing.decorators
import pytest
from b_asic.core_operations import ConstantMultiplication
from b_asic.process import PlainMemoryVariable
......@@ -14,25 +14,66 @@ from b_asic.resources import ProcessCollection, _ForwardBackwardTable
class TestProcessCollectionPlainMemoryVariable:
def test_draw_process_collection(self, simple_collection):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
simple_collection.plot(ax=ax, show_markers=False)
return fig
def test_draw_matrix_transposer_4(self):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
generate_matrix_transposer(4).plot(ax=ax) # type: ignore
return fig
def test_split_memory_variable(self, simple_collection: ProcessCollection):
def test_split_memory_variable_graph_color(
self, simple_collection: ProcessCollection
collection_split = simple_collection.split_on_ports(
heuristic="graph_color", read_ports=1, write_ports=1, total_ports=2
assert len(collection_split) == 3
def test_contains(self):
collection = ProcessCollection([], schedule_time=10, cyclic=True)
m1 = PlainMemoryVariable(0, 0, {0: 3})
assert m1 not in collection
assert m1 in collection
assert m1 not in collection
def test_split_sequence_raises(self, simple_collection: ProcessCollection):
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="processes in `sequence` must be"):
read_ports=1, write_ports=1, total_ports=2, sequence=[]
def test_split_memory_variable_left_edge(
self, simple_collection: ProcessCollection
split = simple_collection.split_on_ports(
heuristic="left_edge", read_ports=1, write_ports=1, total_ports=2
assert len(split) == 3
split = simple_collection.split_on_ports(
heuristic="left_edge", read_ports=1, write_ports=2, total_ports=2
assert len(split) == 3
split = simple_collection.split_on_ports(
heuristic="left_edge", read_ports=2, write_ports=2, total_ports=2
assert len(split) == 2
def test_left_edge_cell_assignment(self, simple_collection: ProcessCollection):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
assignment = list(simple_collection._left_edge_assignment())
......@@ -45,23 +86,39 @@ class TestProcessCollectionPlainMemoryVariable:
collection = generate_matrix_transposer(4, min_lifetime=5)
assignment_left_edge = collection._left_edge_assignment()
assignment_graph_color = collection.split_on_execution_time(
heuristic="graph_color", coloring_strategy='saturation_largest_first'
assert len(assignment_left_edge) == 18
assert len(assignment_graph_color) == 16
def test_generate_memory_based_vhdl(self):
for rows in [2, 3, 4, 5, 7]:
collection = generate_matrix_transposer(rows, min_lifetime=0)
# fmt: off
variants = [
# rows , cols , #mux , #pipe #
# ------------------------------ #
( 2 , 2 , None , None ),
( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ),
( 4 , 4 , 4 , 1 ),
( 5 , 5 , 4 , 2 ),
( 7 , 7 , 4 , 3 ),
( 4 , 8 , 2 , 2 ),
# fmt: on
for rows, cols, mux_size, pipe_depth in variants:
collection = generate_matrix_transposer(
rows=rows, cols=cols, min_lifetime=0
assignment = collection.split_on_execution_time(heuristic="graph_color")
def test_generate_register_based_vhdl(self):
......@@ -79,16 +136,6 @@ class TestProcessCollectionPlainMemoryVariable:
def test_rectangular_matrix_transposition(self):
collection = generate_matrix_transposer(rows=4, cols=8, min_lifetime=2)
assignment = collection.split_on_execution_time(heuristic="graph_color")
......@@ -158,7 +205,9 @@ class TestProcessCollectionPlainMemoryVariable:
assert len(simple_collection) == 7
assert new_proc not in simple_collection
def test_max_min_lifetime_bar_plot(self):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
collection = ProcessCollection(