Because the project was time limited a lot is left to be done.
A few ideas for things to be improved are given here.
Below we will give two different types things to improve.
The first type is functionality, bugs and aesthetics which improves the usability of the system.
The second type is refactoring which are basically just things related to the source code.
This won't effect the end user but certainly improves the system as a whole.
## Replacing reqparse
## Functionality, bugs and aesthetics
As mentioned in [Parsing request](../overview/server.html#parsing-request), the reqparse module from RestX is deprecated and should be replaced with for example marshmallow.
Parsing is a rather small and simple matter which makes it quite fine not to use the most optimal tool, but it should nevertheless be replaced.
This would also make it possible to generate better documentation by providing both the expected paramters and return value from an API.
This was looked into and deemed not trivial with the current solution.
Here we will list a few of things left to be done.
## Refactoring
Here we will give a list of things we think will improve the system.
It is not certain that they are a better solutions but definitely something to look into.
### Replace Flask-RESTX with flask-smorest
We currently use [Flask-RESTX]( to define our endpoints and parse the arguments they take, either as a query string or in the body.
But when responding we use [Marshmallow]( to generate the JSON objects to return.
We believe that [flask-smorest]( would integrate a lot better with Marshmallow.
This would give us the ability to more easily show the expected arguments and the return values for our endpoints using Swagger (when visiting `localhost:5000`).
Currently we only show the route.
The work required also seems to be rather small because they look quite similar.
This would also remove the deprecated [reqparse]( part from Flask-RESTX, which is desirable.