We also give links to other relevant things to read before choosing this project.
This is a short introduction to the project.
There are several links to other relevant things to read before choosing this project.
## Before choosing this project
@@ -9,21 +9,21 @@ There are a lot of things this system needs to do.
To get a complete description, see the [original repository](https://github.com/TechnoX/teknikattan-scoring-system#beskrivning-av-hur-man-anv%C3%A4nder-systemet) from Teknikåttan.
There you will see exactly what is expected of the system (click on each picture to see a video that will give a more in-depth explanation).
You may also what to look at the [description of the project](https://github.com/TechnoX/teknikattan-scoring-system/blob/master/kandidatarbete_teknikattan.md), if you have not already done so.
There is a lot to read (and watch) on these two links, but doing so will give you a complete picture of the requirements.
There is a lot to read (and watch) on these two links, but in doing so you will get a complete picture of the requirements.
Make sure you understand what this project entails before continuing with it, it is not as "simple" as it might first seem.
## Our perspective
This was a fun project.
In contrast to some other project the purpose of this one, what it's requirements are and why it's useful is clear.
It is really fun developing a product you know (if it turns out well) many people will appreciate, use and see.
In contrast to some other previous projects the purpose of this one, what it's requirements are and why it's useful, is clear.
It is really fun developing a product you know (if it turns out well) many people will appreciate, use, and see.
But on the other hand the project is large.
There was a group that worked on this project before us.
We could have continued there project when we began, but we decided not to.
We could have continued their project when we began, but we decided not to.
This was in part due to it not really working and in part due to lack of documentation.
We hope to have learned from that mistake.
That is why we have made a proper documentation (the one you are reading right now!) and decent, working foundation of the system.
That is why we have made proper documentation (the one you are reading right now!) and a decent, working foundation of the system.
We have also made an effort to document the code as much as possible.
We hope you continue on our efforts if you choose this project.