[comment]: # 'Explain where to find the competition name. Perhaps an image or link to Admin?'
After clicking on a competition name you will enter the editor and will be able to edit it.
The Teknikåttan logo in the top left corner will take you back to the Admin page and right under that all slides are shown.
A newly created competition will have one empty default slide.
In the bottom left corner you will be able to add a new slide using the "Ny sida" button.
Delete or copy a slide simply by right clicking on it and choosing the appropriate option.
In the top right corner you will be able to change which view you see and edit.

## Competition settings
To the right you will see the active tab "Tävling", which will show and let you edit everything about the entire competition.
There you will be able to edit the competition name, add a new team and a background image.
The background image for the competition will be used for all slides in the competition.
## Slide settings
If you choose the "Sida" tab, you will be able to edit the current slide.
In the top right you can change the question type of the current slide.
For all question types you will be able to add a timer for how long the teams have to answer that question.
Depending on which type you choose, you will have different options below.
For this example we will choose multiple choice ("Kryssfråga").
For this question type you will have the option to add a title to the question and how much many points a correct answer yields.
For this question type you will also be able to add alternatives, which the teams will be able to choose between during a competition.
Below that you will be able to add and remove text and image components as well as a background image.
The background image for the competition can be overridden by explicitly setting it on a specific page.

[comment]: # 'Perhaps mention right clicking a component to make a copy to another view?'