# Lundgren examples
This repository contains a set of examples on how to queuing jobs on Lundgren with Slurm.
Each example is located in a separate folder with different topics and detailed description of relevant parts.
The best way to use the examples is to try them. Download the repository by cloning it to your harddrive. If you are on Lundgren you can clone it to a suitable folder under your home folder. If you are on your personal computer you can clone it into a suitable folder under the personal LiU-clound folder, _P:_ (_\\\home\<LiU-ID>_)
All the examples will use the method of creating a job and submit it to the Slurm scheduler as a background process. Each example will use a bash file, _.sh_ as a base for instructing Slurm on the job steps to perform. Each job step uses the command ___srun___ or ___sbatch___ to perform one or several tasks.
## Examples
This section describes the different examples briefly so you can find an example that fits your needs.
__Note:__ _Since our Slurm cluster only has one node there can be a queue for running the examples depending on the workload of Lundgren_