Create operation box with buttons in the GUI
Description of issue:
Implement an operation box in the GUI with the operations from the python interface linked to the buttons
Linked Requirements:( Y )
Potential Issues:Can be difficult to link operations to a button
Blockers:( #X )
Issue Requirements:- There must be a box with clear borders with operation buttons inside of it.
- The operation buttons need to have a description of what operation they represent, either with a symbol or a name.
- The operation buttons need to have the operations from the python interface linked to them.
User stories:- As a user I want to be able to see a list of available operations in a box so that I know what operations I can use to build with.
- As a user I want to be able to drag and drop an operation from the operation box to the workspace so that I can interact with them later.
- As a developer I want to be able to link the implementation of an operation in the Python interface to a button so that the button will be an operation object.
- As a user I want to see on a button where its ports are so that I can create a signal from it later in the workspace.
- As a user I want to be able to drag any amount of the same type of operation to the workspace so that I can build with many of the same type of operation.
See document in Drive which is in "GUI" --> "Manual för test av GUI"
Edited by Felix Goding