Testcase Generator for Toeplitz Extractor
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Authored by
Joakim Argillander
Generates testcases, all in one file, for Toeplitz extraction.
testcase-generator.py 4.56 KiB
# This script generates a random Toeplitz matrix and a random vector, and multiplies them together.
# The matrix and vector can be binary or not.
# The script is used to generate test cases for the hardware implementation of the Toeplitz matrix-vector multiplication.
# The generated test cases are saved in a file.
# The script is used as follows:
# usage: testcase-generator.py [-h] [-n CASES] [-j MINDIM] [-k MAXDIM] [-o OUTPUT] [-b BINARY] [-v]
# Generate test cases for the Toeplitz matrix-vector multiplication
# options:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# -n CASES, --cases CASES
# Number of test cases to generate
# -j MINDIM, --mindim MINDIM
# Minimum dimension of the Toeplitz matrix
# -k MAXDIM, --maxdim MAXDIM
# Maximum dimension of the Toeplitz matrix
# -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
# Name of the file to save the test cases
# -b BINARY, --binary BINARY
# Boolean indicating if the matrix and vector should be binary
# -v, --verbose Boolean indicating if the matrices should be printed
import numpy as np
import sys
import argparse
"""The following function generates a random n x m binary Toeplitz matrix. Takes the parameter 'binary' to indicate if the vector should be binary."""
def generate_toeplitz(n, m, binary=True):
# Generate a random vector of length n
vector = np.random.randint(2, size=n) if binary else np.random.randint(100, size=n)
# Generate the Toeplitz matrix
matrix = np.zeros((n, m))
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
if i > j:
matrix[i][j] = vector[i-j]
matrix[i][j] = vector[j-i]
return matrix
"""Generate a random n x 1 vector. Takes the parameter binary to indicate if the vector should be binary"""
def generate_vector(n, binary=True):
if binary:
return np.random.randint(0, 2, n)
return np.random.randint(0, 255, n)
"""Helper function to pretty print matrices"""
def print_matrix(matrix):
for row in matrix:
"""Multiply a matrix by a vector. Takes the parameter binary to indicate if the matrix and vector are binary"""
def multiply_matrix_vector(matrix, vector, binary=True):
if not binary:
return np.matmul(matrix, vector)
return np.matmul(matrix, vector) % 2
def verbose_print(verbose, data):
if verbose:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parse the command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='testcase-generator.py', description='Generate test cases for the Toeplitz matrix-vector multiplication', epilog='Enjoy the program! :)')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--cases', type=int, default=1, help='Number of test cases to generate')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--mindim', type=int, default=2, help='Minimum dimension of the Toeplitz matrix')
parser.add_argument('-k', '--maxdim', type=int, default=3, help='Maximum dimension of the Toeplitz matrix')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, default="testcases.txt", help='Name of the file to save the test cases')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--binary', type=int, default=False, help='Boolean indicating if the matrix and vector should be binary')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Boolean indicating if the matrices should be printed')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.output, "w") as f:
for i in range(args.cases):
# Generate a random Toeplitz matrix
n = np.random.randint(args.mindim, args.maxdim)
m = np.random.randint(args.mindim, args.maxdim)
matrix = generate_toeplitz(n, m, args.binary)
# Generate a random vector
vector = generate_vector(n, args.binary)
# Multiply the matrix by the vector
result = multiply_matrix_vector(matrix, vector, args.binary)
# Write the test case to the file
np.savetxt(f, vector, fmt="%d")
np.savetxt(f, matrix, fmt="%d")
np.savetxt(f, result, fmt="%d")
# Print the test case if verbose is set
if args.verbose:
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