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Draft: Add more WDF adaptors

Open Oscar Gustafsson requested to merge wdfadaptors into master
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_tester is
WL : integer;
ROWS : integer;
COLS : integer
WL : integer;
ROWS : integer;
COLS : integer;
ENABLE_DEL_CC : integer := 0 -- CCs after enable to start feeding the circuit
clk, rst, en : out std_logic;
@@ -40,21 +41,36 @@ begin
-- Input generation
input_gen_proc: process begin
wait until en = '1';
for i in 0 to ROWS*COLS-1 loop
wait for ENABLE_DEL_CC*10 ns;
for i in 0 to 4*ROWS*COLS-1 loop
wait until clk = '0';
input <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, input'length));
end loop;
end process;
-- Timeout test
timeout_test_proc: process begin
wait until en = '1';
wait for 1 ms;
report "Timeout failure: 1 ms passed after enable=1" severity failure;
end process;
-- Output testing
output_test_proc: process begin
wait until en = '1';
wait until output = std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, output'length));
for col in 0 to COLS-1 loop
for row in 0 to ROWS-1 loop
wait until clk = '0';
check(output = std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(row*COLS + col, output'length)));
for i in 0 to 3 loop
for col in 0 to COLS-1 loop
for row in 0 to ROWS-1 loop
wait until clk = '0';
output =
to_unsigned(i*ROWS*COLS + row*COLS + col, output'length)
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
done <= true;
@@ -63,6 +79,48 @@ begin
end architecture behav;
-- 2x2 memory based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_2x2_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_2x2_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_2x2_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
signal clk, rst, en : std_logic;
-- VUnit test runner
process begin
test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);
wait until done = true;
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_2x2
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>2, COLS=>2) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 3x3 memory based matrix transposition
@@ -101,21 +159,21 @@ begin
end architecture behav;
-- 4x8 memory based matrix transposition
-- 4x4 memory based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x4_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x4_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x4_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
@@ -130,13 +188,51 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x4
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>4, COLS=>8) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>4, COLS=>4, ENABLE_DEL_CC=>1)
port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 5x5 memory based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_5x5_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_5x5_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_5x5_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
signal clk, rst, en : std_logic;
-- VUnit test runner
process begin
test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);
wait until done = true;
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_5x5
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>5, COLS=>5, ENABLE_DEL_CC=>2)
port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 7x7 memory based matrix transposition
@@ -171,27 +267,28 @@ begin
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_7x7
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>7, COLS=>7) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>7, COLS=>7, ENABLE_DEL_CC=>3)
port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 7x7 register based matrix transposition
-- 4x8 memory based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
@@ -206,29 +303,30 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_memory_4x8
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>7, COLS=>7) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>4, COLS=>8, ENABLE_DEL_CC=>2)
port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 5x5 register based matrix transposition
-- 2x2 register based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
@@ -243,10 +341,47 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>5, COLS=>5) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>2, COLS=>2) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 3x3 register based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
signal clk, rst, en : std_logic;
-- VUnit test runner
process begin
test_runner_setup(runner, runner_cfg);
wait until done = true;
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>3, COLS=>3) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
@@ -287,23 +422,22 @@ begin
end architecture behav;
-- 3x3 register based matrix transposition
-- 5x5 register based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
@@ -318,29 +452,29 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_3x3
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_5x5
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>3, COLS=>3) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>5, COLS=>5) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 2x2 register based matrix transposition
-- 7x7 register based matrix transposition
library ieee, vunit_lib;
context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb is
entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb is
generic (
runner_cfg : string; -- VUnit python pipe
tb_path : string -- Absolute path to this testbench
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb;
end entity streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb;
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2_tb is
architecture behav of streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7_tb is
constant WL : integer := 16;
signal done : boolean;
signal input, output : std_logic_vector(WL-1 downto 0);
@@ -355,14 +489,13 @@ begin
end process;
-- Run the test baby!
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_2x2
dut : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_register_7x7
generic map(WL=>WL) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output);
tb : entity work.streaming_matrix_transposition_tester
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>2, COLS=>2) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
generic map (WL=>WL, ROWS=>7, COLS=>7) port map(clk, rst, en, input, output, done);
end architecture behav;
-- 4x8 register based matrix transposition