diff --git a/client/src/actions/editor.ts b/client/src/actions/editor.ts
index d5e6fede6e777927eca7702098788c6a14b95e4b..ac26dbdbba7e2a5c4564d7cf359ab189e6275783 100644
--- a/client/src/actions/editor.ts
+++ b/client/src/actions/editor.ts
@@ -8,162 +8,17 @@ export const getEditorCompetition = (id: string) => async (dispatch: AppDispatch
     .then((res) => {
         type: Types.SET_EDITOR_COMPETITION,
-        //res.data,
-        payload: {
-          name: 'Tävling 1 (Hårdkodad)',
-          id: 1,
-          year: 1337,
-          city_id: 1,
-          slides: [
-            {
-              competition_id: 1,
-              id: 1,
-              order: 1,
-              timer: 10,
-              title: 'Sida 1',
-              questions: [
-                {
-                  id: 1,
-                  slide_id: 1,
-                  name: 'Fråga 1 namn',
-                  title: 'Fråga 1 titel',
-                  total_score: 5,
-                  type_id: 3,
-                  question_answers: [
-                    {
-                      id: 1,
-                      question_id: 1,
-                      team_id: 1,
-                      data: 'question answer data 1',
-                      score: 1,
-                    },
-                    {
-                      id: 2,
-                      question_id: 1,
-                      team_id: 2,
-                      data: 'question answer data 2',
-                      score: 3,
-                    },
-                  ],
-                  alternatives: [
-                    {
-                      id: 1,
-                      text: '1',
-                      value: true,
-                      question_id: 1,
-                    },
-                    {
-                      id: 2,
-                      text: '0',
-                      value: false,
-                      question_id: 1,
-                    },
-                  ],
-                },
-              ],
-              body: 'Slide body 1',
-              settings: 'Slide settings 1',
-            },
-            {
-              competition_id: 1,
-              id: 2,
-              order: 2,
-              timer: 15,
-              title: 'Sida 2',
-              questions: [
-                {
-                  id: 2,
-                  slide_id: 2,
-                  name: 'Fråga 2 namn',
-                  title: 'Fråga 2 titel',
-                  total_score: 6,
-                  type_id: 3,
-                  question_answers: [
-                    {
-                      id: 3,
-                      question_id: 2,
-                      team_id: 1,
-                      data: 'question answer data 1',
-                      score: 1,
-                    },
-                    {
-                      id: 4,
-                      question_id: 2,
-                      team_id: 2,
-                      data: 'question answer data 2',
-                      score: 4,
-                    },
-                  ],
-                  alternatives: [
-                    {
-                      id: 1,
-                      text: '5',
-                      value: true,
-                      question_id: 2,
-                    },
-                    {
-                      id: 2,
-                      text: 'abc',
-                      value: false,
-                      question_id: 2,
-                    },
-                  ],
-                },
-              ],
-              body: 'Slide body 2',
-              settings: 'Slide settings 2',
-            },
-          ],
-          teams: [
-            {
-              id: 1,
-              name: 'Örkelljunga IK',
-              question_answers: [
-                {
-                  id: 1,
-                  question_id: 1,
-                  team_id: 1,
-                  data: 'question answer data 1',
-                  score: 1,
-                },
-                {
-                  id: 3,
-                  question_id: 2,
-                  team_id: 1,
-                  data: 'question answer data 1',
-                  score: 1,
-                },
-              ],
-              competition_id: 1,
-            },
-            {
-              id: 2,
-              name: 'Vadstena OK',
-              question_answers: [
-                {
-                  id: 2,
-                  question_id: 1,
-                  team_id: 2,
-                  data: 'question answer data 2',
-                  score: 3,
-                },
-                {
-                  id: 4,
-                  question_id: 2,
-                  team_id: 2,
-                  data: 'question answer data 2',
-                  score: 4,
-                },
-              ],
-              competition_id: 1,
-            },
-          ],
-        },
+        payload: res.data,
     .catch((err) => {
+export const setEditorSlideId = (id: number) => (dispatch: AppDispatch) => {
+  dispatch({
+    type: Types.SET_EDITOR_SLIDE_ID,
+    payload: id,
+  })
diff --git a/client/src/actions/types.ts b/client/src/actions/types.ts
index 848d41f0cb05e9cc70465db7e61e5bf722a68a02..a417f6afc797d8a69bd81d2b259283e98ed364e3 100644
--- a/client/src/actions/types.ts
+++ b/client/src/actions/types.ts
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ export default {
diff --git a/client/src/enum/ComponentTypes.ts b/client/src/enum/ComponentTypes.ts
index c8d194c09ebf38dd98e6a49a7062345cd110620a..8acb2fd91da2eba39dd935ddce1f0a8af9a59198 100644
--- a/client/src/enum/ComponentTypes.ts
+++ b/client/src/enum/ComponentTypes.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 export enum ComponentTypes {
-  Text,
+  Text = 1,
diff --git a/client/src/interfaces/ApiModels.ts b/client/src/interfaces/ApiModels.ts
index 3c72e99fdacc5a81f5a7dbd461b1d22cc4dd4d14..1937428ed056dc66f19810dc8fbb33a1c2240439 100644
--- a/client/src/interfaces/ApiModels.ts
+++ b/client/src/interfaces/ApiModels.ts
@@ -68,16 +68,20 @@ export interface Component {
   y: number
   w: number
   h: number
-  type: number
+  type_id: number
 export interface ImageComponent extends Component {
-  media_id: number
+  data: {
+    media_id: number
+  }
 export interface TextComponent extends Component {
-  text: string
-  font: string
+  data: {
+    text: string
+    font: string
+  }
 export interface QuestionAlternativeComponent extends Component {
diff --git a/client/src/interfaces/ApiRichModels.ts b/client/src/interfaces/ApiRichModels.ts
index e21ae5fa14f709892b4d98c1685b690cd14e8284..893749a3bdf2d1491f73dfeb5eff5e496fd336c5 100644
--- a/client/src/interfaces/ApiRichModels.ts
+++ b/client/src/interfaces/ApiRichModels.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-import { Component } from 'react'
-import { Media, QuestionAlternative, QuestionAnswer, QuestionType } from './ApiModels'
+import { Component, Media, QuestionAlternative, QuestionAnswer, QuestionType } from './ApiModels'
 export interface RichCompetition {
   name: string
diff --git a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/PresentationEditorPage.test.tsx b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/PresentationEditorPage.test.tsx
index ebc96d73452aff066c29856c4756573d28435bb2..956d0b7212baf5a3eed212c86e9946550b66e72f 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/PresentationEditorPage.test.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/PresentationEditorPage.test.tsx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ it('renders presentation editor', () => {
       id: 0,
       year: 0,
       city_id: 0,
-      slides: [],
+      slides: [{ id: 5 }],
       teams: [],
diff --git a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/PresentationEditorPage.tsx b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/PresentationEditorPage.tsx
index 2993b12b78e9e532e71ab4573248bf1b51bcc4e8..0bfea0c46e0b8a4b4df6a5299a34c42c737c63bd 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/PresentationEditorPage.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/PresentationEditorPage.tsx
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { createStyles, makeStyles, Theme } from '@material-ui/core/styles'
 import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
 import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'
 import { getCities } from '../../actions/cities'
-import { getEditorCompetition } from '../../actions/editor'
+import { getEditorCompetition, setEditorSlideId } from '../../actions/editor'
 import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from '../../hooks'
 import { Content } from '../views/styled'
 import SettingsPanel from './components/SettingsPanel'
@@ -64,12 +64,18 @@ const PresentationEditorPage: React.FC = () => {
   const classes = useStyles()
   const { id }: CompetitionParams = useParams()
   const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
+  const activeSlideId = useAppSelector((state) => state.editor.activeSlideId)
   const competition = useAppSelector((state) => state.editor.competition)
   // TODO: wait for dispatch to finish
   useEffect(() => {
   }, [])
+  const setActiveSlideId = (id: number) => {
+    dispatch(setEditorSlideId(id))
+  }
   return (
       <CssBaseline />
@@ -102,11 +108,18 @@ const PresentationEditorPage: React.FC = () => {
         <div className={classes.toolbar} />
         <Divider />
-          {competition.slides.map((slide) => (
-            <SlideListItem divider button key={slide.title}>
-              <ListItemText primary={slide.title} />
-            </SlideListItem>
-          ))}
+          {competition.slides &&
+            competition.slides.map((slide) => (
+              <SlideListItem
+                divider
+                button
+                key={slide.id}
+                selected={slide.id === activeSlideId}
+                onClick={() => setActiveSlideId(slide.id)}
+              >
+                <ListItemText primary={slide.title} />
+              </SlideListItem>
+            ))}
       <div className={classes.toolbar} />
diff --git a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/CompetitionSettings.tsx b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/CompetitionSettings.tsx
index 2c61633f04a7aaba595e293a8f8ed9670d5c46c3..75f6ed13d50d0852b59398b6d40effe72cceabae 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/CompetitionSettings.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/CompetitionSettings.tsx
@@ -134,14 +134,15 @@ const CompetitionSettings: React.FC = () => {
           <ListItemText className={classes.textCenter} primary="Lag" />
-        {competition.teams.map((team) => (
-          <div key={team.id}>
-            <ListItem divider button>
-              <ListItemText primary={team.name} />
-              <CloseIcon onClick={() => handleClick(team.id)} />
-            </ListItem>
-          </div>
-        ))}
+        {competition.teams &&
+          competition.teams.map((team) => (
+            <div key={team.id}>
+              <ListItem divider button>
+                <ListItemText primary={team.name} />
+                <CloseIcon onClick={() => handleClick(team.id)} />
+              </ListItem>
+            </div>
+          ))}
         <ListItem className={classes.center} button>
           <Button>Lägg till lag</Button>
diff --git a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/SlideEditor.tsx b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/SlideEditor.tsx
index 22a73ef3164f0f8609f847563ceb7b014a59c181..9baa97918f2b11276bd12bf17ba8fc4f466cf9b2 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/SlideEditor.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/SlideEditor.tsx
@@ -1,37 +1,32 @@
 import React from 'react'
 import { ComponentTypes } from '../../../enum/ComponentTypes'
+import { useAppSelector } from '../../../hooks'
+import { ImageComponent, TextComponent } from '../../../interfaces/ApiModels'
 import CheckboxComponent from './CheckboxComponent'
 import ImageComponentDisplay from './ImageComponentDisplay'
 import { SlideEditorContainer } from './styled'
 import TextComponentDisplay from './TextComponentDisplay'
 const SlideEditor: React.FC = () => {
-  // const components =  useAppSelector(state => state.editor.slide.components) // get the current RichSlide
-  const components: any[] = [
-    { id: 0, x: 15, y: 150, w: 200, h: 300, type: ComponentTypes.Checkbox },
-    { id: 1, x: 15, y: 250, w: 200, h: 300, type: ComponentTypes.Checkbox },
-    { id: 2, x: 15, y: 350, w: 200, h: 300, type: ComponentTypes.Checkbox },
-    { id: 3, x: 300, y: 500, w: 100, h: 300, type: ComponentTypes.Text, text: 'text component', font: 'arial' },
-    { id: 4, x: 250, y: 100, w: 200, h: 300, type: ComponentTypes.Image },
-    { id: 5, x: 350, y: 100, w: 200, h: 300, type: ComponentTypes.Image },
-  ]
+  const components = useAppSelector(
+    (state) =>
+      state.editor.competition.slides.find((slide) => slide && slide.id === state.editor.activeSlideId)?.components
+  )
   return (
-      {components.map((component) => {
-        switch (component.type) {
-          case ComponentTypes.Checkbox:
-            return <CheckboxComponent key={component.id} component={component} />
-            break
-          case ComponentTypes.Text:
-            return <TextComponentDisplay key={component.id} component={component} />
-            break
-          case ComponentTypes.Image:
-            return <ImageComponentDisplay key={component.id} component={component} />
-            break
-          default:
-            break
-        }
-      })}
+      {components &&
+        components.map((component) => {
+          switch (component.type_id) {
+            case ComponentTypes.Checkbox:
+              return <CheckboxComponent key={component.id} component={component} />
+            case ComponentTypes.Text:
+              return <TextComponentDisplay key={component.id} component={component as TextComponent} />
+            case ComponentTypes.Image:
+              return <ImageComponentDisplay key={component.id} component={component as ImageComponent} />
+            default:
+              break
+          }
+        })}
diff --git a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/SlideSettings.tsx b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/SlideSettings.tsx
index cd611060bf16fd2e3e7d6b959cb1e0610a2fa931..c61d478ebeb37398a6b443226e29aacb032fbcdd 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/SlideSettings.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/SlideSettings.tsx
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import React, { useState } from 'react'
 import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'
 import { getEditorCompetition } from '../../../actions/editor'
 import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from '../../../hooks'
+import { TextComponent } from '../../../interfaces/ApiModels'
 import { HiddenInput } from './styled'
 const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
@@ -93,14 +94,12 @@ const SlideSettings: React.FC = () => {
-  const textList = [
-    { id: 'text1', name: 'Text 1' },
-    { id: 'text2', name: 'Text 2' },
-  ]
-  const handleCloseTextClick = (id: string) => {
-    setTexts(texts.filter((item) => item.id !== id)) //Will not be done like this when api is used
-  }
-  const [texts, setTexts] = useState(textList)
+  const texts = useAppSelector(
+    (state) =>
+      state.editor.competition.slides
+        .find((slide) => slide.id === state.editor.activeSlideId)
+        ?.components.filter((component) => component.type_id === 1) as TextComponent[]
+  )
   const pictureList = [
     { id: 'picture1', name: 'Picture1.jpeg' },
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ const SlideSettings: React.FC = () => {
   const handleAddText = async () => {
     console.log('Add text component')
     // TODO: post the new text]
-    setTexts([...texts, { id: 'newText', name: 'New Text' }])
+    // setTexts([...texts, { id: 'newText', name: 'New Text' }])
   const GreenCheckbox = withStyles({
@@ -206,21 +205,24 @@ const SlideSettings: React.FC = () => {
             secondary="(Fyll i rutan höger om textfältet för att markera korrekt svar)"
-        {(currentSlide?.questions[0].question_alternatives || []).map((alt) => (
-          <div key={alt.id}>
-            <ListItem divider>
-              <TextField
-                className={classes.textInput}
-                id="outlined-basic"
-                label={`Svar ${alt.id}`}
-                value={alt.text}
-                variant="outlined"
-              />
-              <GreenCheckbox checked={alt.value} onChange={updateAlternativeValue} />
-              <CloseIcon className={classes.clickableIcon} onClick={() => handleCloseAnswerClick(alt.id)} />
-            </ListItem>
-          </div>
-        ))}
+        {currentSlide &&
+          currentSlide.questions[0] &&
+          currentSlide.questions[0].question_alternatives &&
+          currentSlide.questions[0].question_alternatives.map((alt) => (
+            <div key={alt.id}>
+              <ListItem divider>
+                <TextField
+                  className={classes.textInput}
+                  id="outlined-basic"
+                  label={`Svar ${alt.id}`}
+                  value={alt.text}
+                  variant="outlined"
+                />
+                <GreenCheckbox checked={alt.value} onChange={updateAlternativeValue} />
+                <CloseIcon className={classes.clickableIcon} onClick={() => handleCloseAnswerClick(alt.id)} />
+              </ListItem>
+            </div>
+          ))}
         <ListItem className={classes.center} button>
           <Button>Lägg till svarsalternativ</Button>
@@ -230,15 +232,16 @@ const SlideSettings: React.FC = () => {
         <ListItem divider>
           <ListItemText className={classes.textCenter} primary="Text" />
-        {texts.map((text) => (
-          <div key={text.id}>
-            <ListItem divider>
-              <TextField className={classes.textInput} label={text.name} variant="outlined" />
-              <MoreHorizOutlinedIcon className={classes.clickableIcon} />
-              <CloseIcon className={classes.clickableIcon} onClick={() => handleCloseTextClick(text.id)} />
-            </ListItem>
-          </div>
-        ))}
+        {texts &&
+          texts.map((text) => (
+            <div key={text.id}>
+              <ListItem divider>
+                <TextField className={classes.textInput} label={text.data.text} variant="outlined" />
+                <MoreHorizOutlinedIcon className={classes.clickableIcon} />
+                <CloseIcon className={classes.clickableIcon} />
+              </ListItem>
+            </div>
+          ))}
         <ListItem className={classes.center} button onClick={handleAddText}>
           <Button>Lägg till text</Button>
diff --git a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/TextComponentDisplay.test.tsx b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/TextComponentDisplay.test.tsx
index 8f61ee36f8bb86e9e422b135c76448c31d60a6d4..c448987894fedee6731d3610fe850871e608388d 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/TextComponentDisplay.test.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/TextComponentDisplay.test.tsx
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
 import { Editor } from '@tinymce/tinymce-react'
 import { mount } from 'enzyme'
 import React from 'react'
+import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
+import store from '../../../store'
 import TextComponentDisplay from './TextComponentDisplay'
 it('renders text component display', () => {
   const testText = 'TEST'
   const container = mount(
-    <TextComponentDisplay component={{ id: 0, x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0, text: testText, type: 2, font: '123123' }} />
+    <Provider store={store}>
+      <TextComponentDisplay
+        component={{ id: 0, x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0, data: { text: testText, font: '123123' }, type_id: 2 }}
+      />
+    </Provider>
diff --git a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/TextComponentDisplay.tsx b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/TextComponentDisplay.tsx
index 30426b9da323f72f53fc2f99e1959d1914be3dc6..4fb34650c3e63159d04ae745ac92f780493cdb52 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/TextComponentDisplay.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/presentationEditor/components/TextComponentDisplay.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 import { Editor } from '@tinymce/tinymce-react'
+import axios from 'axios'
 import React, { useState } from 'react'
 import { Rnd } from 'react-rnd'
+import { useAppSelector } from '../../../hooks'
 import { TextComponent } from '../../../interfaces/ApiModels'
 import { Position, Size } from '../../../interfaces/Components'
@@ -11,9 +13,26 @@ type ImageComponentProps = {
 const TextComponentDisplay = ({ component }: ImageComponentProps) => {
   const [currentPos, setCurrentPos] = useState<Position>({ x: component.x, y: component.y })
   const [currentSize, setCurrentSize] = useState<Size>({ w: component.w, h: component.h })
+  const competitionId = useAppSelector((state) => state.editor.competition.id)
+  const slideId = useAppSelector((state) => state.editor.activeSlideId)
+  if (component.id === 1) console.log(component)
   const handleEditorChange = (e: any) => {
     console.log('Content was updated:', e.target.getContent())
-    //TODO: axios.post
+    axios.put(`/competitions/${competitionId}/slides/${slideId}/components/${component.id}`, {
+      data: { ...component.data, text: e.target.getContent() },
+    })
+  }
+  const handleUpdatePos = (pos: Position) => {
+    axios.put(`/competitions/${competitionId}/slides/${slideId}/components/${component.id}`, {
+      x: pos.x,
+      y: pos.y,
+    })
+  }
+  const handleUpdateSize = () => {
+    axios.put(`/competitions/${competitionId}/slides/${slideId}/components/${component.id}`, {
+      w: currentSize.w,
+      h: currentSize.h,
+    })
   return (
@@ -22,6 +41,7 @@ const TextComponentDisplay = ({ component }: ImageComponentProps) => {
       onDragStop={(e, d) => {
         setCurrentPos({ x: d.x, y: d.y })
+        handleUpdatePos(d)
       size={{ width: currentSize.w, height: currentSize.h }}
       position={{ x: currentPos.x, y: currentPos.y }}
@@ -32,15 +52,12 @@ const TextComponentDisplay = ({ component }: ImageComponentProps) => {
-      onResizeStop={() => {
-        console.log('skickar till server')
-      }}
+      onResizeStop={handleUpdateSize}
       <div style={{ height: '100%', width: '100%' }}>
-          initialValue={component.text}
+          initialValue={component.data.text}
-            body_class: 'mceBlackBody',
             height: '100%',
             menubar: false,
             plugins: [
diff --git a/client/src/reducers/editorReducer.ts b/client/src/reducers/editorReducer.ts
index 606f5d69ba7cb53e6ce9d9468b632045d8965b9d..627c1658fc7419d3c84c9932d3dfc42bc3b18178 100644
--- a/client/src/reducers/editorReducer.ts
+++ b/client/src/reducers/editorReducer.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { RichCompetition } from '../interfaces/ApiRichModels'
 interface EditorState {
   competition: RichCompetition
+  activeSlideId: number
 const initialState: EditorState = {
@@ -15,14 +16,20 @@ const initialState: EditorState = {
     slides: [],
     teams: [],
+  activeSlideId: 0,
 export default function (state = initialState, action: AnyAction) {
   switch (action.type) {
       return {
-        ...state,
         competition: action.payload as RichCompetition,
+        activeSlideId: action.payload.slides[0].id as number,
+      }
+    case Types.SET_EDITOR_SLIDE_ID:
+      return {
+        ...state,
+        activeSlideId: action.payload as number,
       return state
diff --git a/server/app/apis/components.py b/server/app/apis/components.py
index f88e1e2de7eeca66859a46d5a790dbe6ef84662a..d301ff53b5e327f80388c9a1f4699bb61680b0ed 100644
--- a/server/app/apis/components.py
+++ b/server/app/apis/components.py
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ class ComponentByID(Resource):
     def put(self, CID, SOrder, component_id):
         args = component_parser.parse_args()
-        item = dbc.edit.component(**args)
+        item = dbc.get.one(Component, component_id)
+        item = dbc.edit.component(item,**args)
         return item_response(schema.dump(item))