import random import hashlib import re from flask import Flask, request import database_helper as dbh app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): return 'Hello world!' @app.route('/signin', methods=['POST']) def sign_in(): """ Authenticate the username by the provided password. """ args = request.get_json() if set(args) != {'email', 'password'}: return {"success": "false", "message": "Form data missing or incorrect type."} pw_hash = hashlib.sha256((args['password'] + args['email']).encode()).hexdigest() # TODO: test if empty email and password will sign in if pw_hash != dbh.get_password(args['email']): return { "success": "false", "message": "Wrong username or password." } letters = "abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" token = ''.join(letters[random.randint(0,len(letters)-1)] for _ in range(36)) dbh.update_logged_in_users(args['email'], token) return { "success": "true", "message": "Successfully signed in.", "data": token } @app.route('/signup', methods=['POST']) def sign_up(): """ Register a user in the database. """ args = request.get_json() if set(args) != {'email', 'password', 'firstname', 'familyname', 'gender', 'city', 'country'}: return {"success": "false", "message": "Form data missing or incorrect type."} if re.fullmatch(r'\w+@\w+.\w+', args['email']) is None: return {"success": "false", "message": "Invalid email address."} if len(args['password']) < 8: return {"success": "false", "message": "Password needs to be at least 8 characters long."} if dbh.get_user_data(args['email']) is not None: return {"success": "false", "message": "User already exists."} pw_hash = hashlib.sha256((args['password'] + args['email']).encode()).hexdigest() dbh.create_user( args['email'], pw_hash, args['firstname'], args['familyname'], args['gender'], args['city'], args['country'], ) return {"success": "true", "message": "Successfully created a new user."} def sign_out(token): """ Sign out a user from the system. """ return def change_password(token, oldPassword, newPassword): """ Change the password of the current user to a new one. """ pass def get_user_data_by_token(token): #return email, firstname, familyname, gender, city, country pass def get_user_data_by_email(token, email): #return email, firstname, familyname, gender, city, country message = {"status": "", "message": "", "data": ""} if dbh.get_token_from_email(email) == token: data = dbh.get_user_data(email) if data: message["data"] = data else: "you are not logged in" pass def get_user_messages_by_token(token): #return messages pass def get_user_messages_by_email(token, email): #return messages pass def post_message(token, message, email): pass'', port=5000)