diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/behaviours/greet_person_behaviours.py b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/behaviours/greet_person_behaviours.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07c6f1b7fa057d4192f3a00a9aeae4d42b627ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/behaviours/greet_person_behaviours.py
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+# Documentation
+Template behaviour that is used for implementation of new behaviours.
+# Imports
+import py_trees
+import lhw_interfaces.msg as lhw_msgs
+import lhw_interfaces.srv as lhw_srvs
+# import lhw_interfaces.actions as lhw_actions
+import std_msgs
+import time
+# Behaviours
+class Say(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        message:str 
+    ):
+        super(Say, self).__init__(name=name)
+        self.message = message
+    def setup(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        This function is executed when tree is setup.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs (:obj:`dict`): look for the 'node' object being passed down from the tree
+        Raises:
+            :class:`KeyError`: if a ros2 node isn't passed under the key 'node' in kwargs
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.setup()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        # Fetch 'node' object passed down from the tree.
+        try:
+            self.node = kwargs['node']
+        except KeyError as e:
+            error_message = "didn't find 'node' in setup's kwargs [{}]".format(self.qualified_name)
+            raise KeyError(error_message) from e # 'direct cause' traceability
+        self.say_pub = self.node.create_publisher(std_msgs.msg.String, 'say', 100)
+        self.is_talking_sub = self.node.create_subscription(
+            std_msgs.msg.Bool, 'is_talking', self._is_talking_callback, 10
+        )
+        self.is_talking = False
+    def initialise(self):
+        """
+        This function is first to be executed when behaviour is runned.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.initialise()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        msg = std_msgs.msg.String()
+        msg.data = self.message
+        self.say_pub.publish(msg)
+    def update(self) -> py_trees.common.Status:
+        """
+        This function is second to be executed right after initialise
+        when behaviour is runned. The execution will continue as long as
+        return flag is RUNNING and will be stopped when return flag is
+        SUCCESS or FAILURE.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        if self.is_talking:
+            return py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+        return py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+    def terminate(self, new_status: py_trees.common.Status):
+        """
+        This function is executed when behaviour is terminated.
+        Args:
+            new_status: the behaviour is transitioning to this new status
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.terminate(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, "%s->%s" % (self.status, new_status) if self.status != new_status else "%s" % new_status))
+        # WRITE CODE HERE
+    def _is_talking_callback(self, msg):
+        self.is_talking = msg.data
+class Listen(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        category: str
+    ):
+        super(Listen, self).__init__(name=name)
+        self.category = category
+        self.blackboard = py_trees.blackboard.Client(name=self.name)
+        self.blackboard.register_key(
+            key="recognized_people",
+            access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE
+        )
+        self.blackboard.register_key(
+            key="current_person_id",
+            access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE
+        )
+    def setup(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        This function is executed when tree is setup.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs (:obj:`dict`): look for the 'node' object being passed down from the tree
+        Raises:
+            :class:`KeyError`: if a ros2 node isn't passed under the key 'node' in kwargs
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.setup()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        # Fetch 'node' object passed down from the tree.
+        try:
+            self.node = kwargs['node']
+        except KeyError as e:
+            error_message = "didn't find 'node' in setup's kwargs [{}]".format(self.qualified_name)
+            raise KeyError(error_message) from e # 'direct cause' traceability
+    def initialise(self):
+        """
+        This function is first to be executed when behaviour is runned.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.initialise()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        self.time_start = time.time()
+        self.callback_executed = False
+        self.dialog_sub = self.node.create_subscription(
+            lhw_msgs.Response,
+            'dialogflow_response',
+            self._answer_callback,
+            10
+        )
+    def update(self) -> py_trees.common.Status:
+        """
+        This function is second to be executed right after initialise
+        when behaviour is runned. The execution will continue as long as
+        return flag is RUNNING and will be stopped when return flag is
+        SUCCESS or FAILURE.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("testing -----------------------------------------------------------")
+        self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        # TODO: change to node timer
+        time_duration_sec = time.gmtime(time.time() - self.time_start).tm_sec
+        self.node.get_logger().info(str(time_duration_sec))
+        if self.callback_executed:
+            return py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+        if time_duration_sec > 10.0:  # If more than 10 sec --> fail
+            return py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+        return py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+    def terminate(self, new_status: py_trees.common.Status):
+        """
+        This function is executed when behaviour is terminated.
+        Args:
+            new_status: the behaviour is transitioning to this new status
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.terminate(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, "%s->%s" % (self.status, new_status) if self.status != new_status else "%s" % new_status))
+        # Destroy subscription if still exists
+        if self.dialog_sub:
+            self.node.destroy_subscription(self.dialog_sub)
+        # WRITE CODE HERE
+    def _answer_callback(self, msg):
+        # self.blackboard.recognized_people = False
+        print(self.blackboard)
+        self.logger.debug("aa parametes")
+        print(msg.parameters)
+        # self.get_logger().info(msg.parameters)
+        for i in range(len(msg.parameters)):
+            # Check if correct category was found
+            self.logger.debug(msg.parameters[i].key)
+            print(msg.parameters[i].key)
+            if msg.parameters[i].key == self.category:   
+                self.callback_executed = True              
+                self.answer = msg.parameters[i].value                               
+                self.blackboard.recognized_people[self.blackboard.current_person_id][self.category] \
+                = self.answer                
+class BlackboardUpdated(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        category: str    
+    ):
+        super(BlackboardUpdated, self).__init__(name=name)
+        self.category = category
+        self.blackboard = py_trees.blackboard.Client(name=self.name)
+    def setup(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        This function is executed when tree is setup.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs (:obj:`dict`): look for the 'node' object being passed down from the tree
+        Raises:
+            :class:`KeyError`: if a ros2 node isn't passed under the key 'node' in kwargs
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.setup()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        # Fetch 'node' object passed down from the tree.
+        try:
+            self.node = kwargs['node']
+        except KeyError as e:
+            error_message = "didn't find 'node' in setup's kwargs [{}]".format(self.qualified_name)
+            raise KeyError(error_message) from e # 'direct cause' traceability
+        # Tries to read person from blackboard. 
+        # If person not found -> creates a mock person for debugging.
+        try:        
+            self.blackboard.register_key(
+                key="recognized_people",
+                access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE
+            )
+            self.blackboard.register_key(
+                key="current_person_id",
+                access=py_trees.common.Access.READ
+            )
+            self.blackboard.recognized_people
+            self.blackboard.current_person_id
+            self.node.get_logger().info("In TRY")
+        except: 
+            self.node.get_logger().info("In Except")
+            # Temporary write access
+            self.blackboard.register_key(
+                key="current_person_id",
+                access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE
+            )
+            # recognized people borde se ut såhär: [{name: "", drink: "", id: 0}]
+            #self.blackboard.set(self.variable_name, self.variable_value, overwrite=True)
+            self.blackboard.set("recognized_people", [{"id": 0}], overwrite=True)
+            self.blackboard.set("current_person_id", 0, overwrite=True)
+    def initialise(self):
+        """
+        This function is first to be executed when behaviour is runned.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.initialise()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        # WRITE CODE HERE    
+    def update(self) -> py_trees.common.Status:
+        """
+        This function is second to be executed right after initialise
+        when behaviour is runned. The execution will continue as long as
+        return flag is RUNNING and will be stopped when return flag is
+        SUCCESS or FAILURE.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        # value = self.blackboard.recognized_people[self.blackboard.current_person_id][self.key] 
+        # Try to read a value from recognized people
+        try:
+            value = self.blackboard.recognized_people[self.blackboard.current_person_id][self.category] 
+            confirmed = self.blackboard.recognized_people[self.blackboard.current_person_id][f"{self.category}_confirmed"] 
+        except: 
+            return py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+        # Return succes if value for key exists in blackboard and it is confirmed
+        if value and confirmed:
+            return py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+        # Otherwise return false
+        return py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+    def terminate(self, new_status: py_trees.common.Status):
+        """
+        This function is executed when behaviour is terminated.
+        Args:
+            new_status: the behaviour is transitioning to this new status
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.terminate(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, "%s->%s" % (self.status, new_status) if self.status != new_status else "%s" % new_status))
+        # WRITE CODE HERE
+class ListenConfirmation(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        category: str
+    ):
+        super(ListenConfirmation, self).__init__(name=name)
+        self.category = category   
+        self.blackboard = py_trees.blackboard.Client(name=self.name)
+        self.blackboard.register_key(
+            key="recognized_people",
+            access=py_trees.common.Access.WRITE
+        )    
+        self.blackboard.register_key(
+            key="current_person_id",
+            access=py_trees.common.Access.READ
+        )           
+    def setup(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        This function is executed when tree is setup.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs (:obj:`dict`): look for the 'node' object being passed down from the tree
+        Raises:
+            :class:`KeyError`: if a ros2 node isn't passed under the key 'node' in kwargs
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.setup()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        # Fetch 'node' object passed down from the tree.
+        try:
+            self.node = kwargs['node']
+        except KeyError as e:
+            error_message = "didn't find 'node' in setup's kwargs [{}]".format(self.qualified_name)
+            raise KeyError(error_message) from e # 'direct cause' traceability
+    def initialise(self):
+        """
+        This function is first to be executed when behaviour is runned.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.initialise()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        self.time_start = time.time()
+        self.dialog_sub = self.node.create_subscription(
+            lhw_msgs.Response,
+            'dialogflow_response',
+            self._answer_callback,
+            10
+        )
+        self.confirmed = ""  
+    def update(self) -> py_trees.common.Status:
+        """
+        This function is second to be executed right after initialise
+        when behaviour is runned. The execution will continue as long as
+        return flag is RUNNING and will be stopped when return flag is
+        SUCCESS or FAILURE.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        # TODO: change to node timer
+        time_duration_sec = time.gmtime(time.time() - self.time_start).tm_sec        
+        if self.confirmed == "True":
+            self.blackboard.recognized_people[self.blackboard.current_person_id][f"{self.category}_confirmed"] \
+                = True
+            return py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+        elif self.confirmed == "False":
+            self.blackboard.recognized_people[self.blackboard.current_person_id][f"{self.category}_confirmed"] \
+                = False
+            return py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+        if time_duration_sec > 10.0:  # If more than 10 sec --> fail
+            return py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE
+        return py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+    def terminate(self, new_status: py_trees.common.Status):
+        """
+        This function is executed when behaviour is terminated.
+        Args:
+            new_status: the behaviour is transitioning to this new status
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.terminate(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, "%s->%s" % (self.status, new_status) if self.status != new_status else "%s" % new_status))
+        # Destroy subscription if still exists
+        try:
+            self.node.destroy_subscription(self.dialog_sub)
+        except:
+            pass
+    def _answer_callback(self, msg):        
+        if "yes" in msg.recognized_text:
+            self.confirmed = "True"
+        elif "no" in msg.recognized_text:
+            self.confirmed = "False"       
+    # ADD PRIVATE FUNCTIONS HERE "_function_name"
+class Idle(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name:str
+    ):
+        super(Idle, self).__init__(name=name)
+    def update(self) -> py_trees.common.Status:
+        """
+        This function is second to be executed right after initialise
+        when behaviour is runned. The execution will continue as long as
+        return flag is RUNNING and will be stopped when return flag is
+        SUCCESS or FAILURE.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        return py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+class AskForConfirmation(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        variable: str 
+    ):
+        super(AskForConfirmation, self).__init__(name=name)
+        self.variable = variable
+        self.blackboard = py_trees.blackboard.Client(name=name)
+        self.blackboard.register_key(
+            key="current_person_id",
+            access=py_trees.common.Access.READ
+        )
+        self.blackboard.register_key(
+            key="recognized_people",
+            access=py_trees.common.Access.READ
+        )
+    def setup(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        This function is executed when tree is setup.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs (:obj:`dict`): look for the 'node' object being passed down from the tree
+        Raises:
+            :class:`KeyError`: if a ros2 node isn't passed under the key 'node' in kwargs
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.setup()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        # Fetch 'node' object passed down from the tree.
+        try:
+            self.node = kwargs['node']
+        except KeyError as e:
+            error_message = "didn't find 'node' in setup's kwargs [{}]".format(self.qualified_name)
+            raise KeyError(error_message) from e # 'direct cause' traceability
+        self.say_pub = self.node.create_publisher(std_msgs.msg.String, 'say', 100)
+        self.is_talking_sub = self.node.create_subscription(
+            std_msgs.msg.Bool, 'is_talking', self._is_talking_callback, 10
+        )
+        self.is_talking = False
+    def initialise(self):
+        """
+        This function is first to be executed when behaviour is runned.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.initialise()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        current_person_id = self.blackboard.current_person_id
+        # Get information about recognized people from blackboard
+        blackboard_variable = self.blackboard.recognized_people[current_person_id][self.variable]
+        print(blackboard_variable)
+        msg = std_msgs.msg.String()
+        if self.variable == "actors":
+            msg.data = "Is your name " + blackboard_variable + "?"
+        elif self.variable == "drinks":
+            msg.data = "Is your favorite drink " + blackboard_variable + "?"
+        self.say_pub.publish(msg)
+    def update(self) -> py_trees.common.Status:
+        """
+        This function is second to be executed right after initialise
+        when behaviour is runned. The execution will continue as long as
+        return flag is RUNNING and will be stopped when return flag is
+        SUCCESS or FAILURE.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % self.__class__.__name__)
+        if self.is_talking:
+            return py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
+        return py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS
+    def terminate(self, new_status: py_trees.common.Status):
+        """
+        This function is executed when behaviour is terminated.
+        Args:
+            new_status: the behaviour is transitioning to this new status
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("%s.terminate(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, "%s->%s" % (self.status, new_status) if self.status != new_status else "%s" % new_status))
+        # WRITE CODE HERE
+    def _is_talking_callback(self, msg):
+        self.is_talking = msg.data
diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/greet_person.tree b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/greet_person.tree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e00b3efa6c6fba84f0c9c73e1a37820e5eefdbb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/greet_person.tree
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+|    ?;;Find Name
+|    |    (got name)
+|    |    ->;;get name sequence
+|    |    |    [Ask: What is your name]
+|    |    |    [Listen for responce1]
+|    |    |    [ask: is your name *name*?]
+|    |    |    [Listen for yes/no responce1]
+|    ?;;find drink
+|    |    (got drink)
+|    |    ->;; get drink sequence
+|    |    |    [Ask: What is your favorite drink]
+|    |    |    [Listen for responce2]
+|    |    |    [ask: is your favorite drink *drink*?]
+|    |    |    [Listen for yes/no responce2]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/receptionist.tree b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/receptionist.tree
index 9ff36c0c7ee3ea9e6d980310969c50b6a5e4c032..37afec979c622e0d4b5a797529a333439561e3b0 100644
--- a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/receptionist.tree
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/receptionist.tree
@@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
-|    (Is Head Touched)
-|    [Say - open door promt]
-|    ->;;Loop
-|    |    ->;;Greet Person
-|    |    |    [Find person subtree]
-|    |    |    [Greet and ask some questions subtree]
-|    |    [Say - follow me]
-|    |    [MoveTo - location sofa]
-|    |    ->;;Introduce all
-|    |    |    ->;;Introduce person until all persons are introduced
-|    |    |    |    [Find person subtree]
-|    |    |    |    [Introduce person subtree]
-|    |    |    (Is all introduced)
-|    |    ->;;Ask person to sit until them is seated
-|    |    |    [Find empty spot]
-|    |    |    [Ask person to sit]
-|    |    |    (Is person seated)
-|    |    [MoveTo - location door]
\ No newline at end of file
+|    ?;;TouchHead
+|    |    (Is Head Touched)
+|    |    [Wait and blink]
+|    ?;;FindPersonToIntroduce
+|    |    (has person to introduce)
+|    |    ->;;DoorGreeter
+|    |    |    [navigate door subtree]
+|    |    |    ?;;DoorChecker
+|    |    |    |    (is door open)
+|    |    |    |    ->;;DoorActions
+|    |    |    |    |    [say: open_door_promt]
+|    |    |    |    |    [check door]
+|    |    |    ?;;PersonChecker
+|    |    |    |    (found person)
+|    |    |    |    ->;;GreetActions
+|    |    |    |    |    [find person]
+|    |    |    |    |    [greet and ask subtree]
+|    [navigate: sofa subtree]
+|    ?;;IntroduceChecker
+|    |    (all introduced)
+|    |    ->;;IntroduceActions
+|    |    |    [Introduce person subtree]
+|    |    |    (all introduced)
+|    [find empty spot subtree]
+|    [reset conditions]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/receptionist_v2.tree b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/receptionist_v2.tree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c467cf830f48d32559ff9a7337a83db598acb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_sketches/receptionist_v2.tree
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+|    ?;;TouchHead
+|    |    (Is Head Touched)
+|    |    [Wait and blink]
+|    ?;;FindPersonToIntroduce
+|    |    (has person to introduce)
+|    |    ->;;DoorGreeter
+|    |    |    [navigate door subtree]
+|    |    |    ?;;DoorChecker
+|    |    |    |    (is door open)
+|    |    |    |    ->;;DoorActions
+|    |    |    |    |    [say: open_door_promt] 
+|    |    |    |    |    [check door]
+|    |    |    ?;;PersonChecker
+|    |    |    |    (found person)
+|    |    |    |    ->;;GreetActions
+|    |    |    |    |    [find person]
+|    |    |    |    |    [greet and ask subtree]
+|    [navigate: sofa subtree]
+|    ?;;IntroduceChecker
+|    |    (all introduced)
+|    |    ->;;IntroduceActions
+|    |    |    [Introduce person subtree]
+|    |    |    (all introduced)
+|    [find empty spot subtree]
+|    [reset conditions]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_trees/greet_person_tree.py b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_trees/greet_person_tree.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08c4011c8a953c97d23acdee1bfc8bb89b031570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/scenario_trees/greet_person_tree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import py_trees
+import py_trees_ros
+import py_trees_ros.trees
+import py_trees.console as console
+import rclpy
+import sys
+# from ../behaviours import greet_person_behaviours
+from lhw_intelligence.behaviours import greet_person_behaviours
+def create_root() -> py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour:
+    root = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="Root")
+    # -------------------------------------------
+    # |         This is get name part           |
+    # -------------------------------------------
+    find_name_selector = py_trees.composites.Selector(
+        name="FindNameSelector"
+    )
+    ask_for_name_sequence = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
+        name="AskForNameSequence"
+    )
+    ask_for_name = greet_person_behaviours.Say(
+        name="Ask For Name", 
+        message="What is your name?"
+    )
+    answer_name = greet_person_behaviours.Listen(
+        name="Answer Name",
+        category="actors"
+    )
+    ask_for_confirmation_name = greet_person_behaviours.AskForConfirmation(
+        name="Ask For Confirmation", 
+        variable="actors" 
+    )
+    answer_confirmation_name = greet_person_behaviours.ListenConfirmation(
+        name="Answer confirmation",
+        category="actors"
+    )
+    already_have_name = greet_person_behaviours.BlackboardUpdated(
+        name="Already have name",
+        category="actors"        
+    )
+    idle = greet_person_behaviours.Idle(name = "idle")
+    ask_for_name_sequence.add_children([
+        ask_for_name, 
+        answer_name, 
+        ask_for_confirmation_name,
+        answer_confirmation_name
+    ])
+    find_name_selector.add_children([
+        already_have_name, ask_for_name_sequence
+    ])
+    # -------------------------------------------
+    # |         This is get drink part           |
+    # -------------------------------------------
+    find_drink_selector = py_trees.composites.Selector(
+        name="FindDrinkSelector"
+    )
+    ask_for_drink_sequence = py_trees.composites.Sequence(
+        name="AskForDrinkSequence"
+    )
+    ask_for_drink = greet_person_behaviours.Say(
+        name="Ask For Drink", 
+        message="What is your favorite drink?"
+    )
+    answer_drink = greet_person_behaviours.Listen(
+        name="Answer Drink",
+        category="drinks"
+    )
+    ask_for_confirmation_drink = greet_person_behaviours.AskForConfirmation(
+        name="Ask For Confirmation", 
+        variable="drinks" 
+    )
+    answer_confirmation_drink = greet_person_behaviours.ListenConfirmation(
+        name="Answer confirmation",
+        category="drinks"
+    )
+    already_have_drink = greet_person_behaviours.BlackboardUpdated(
+        name="Already have drink",
+        category="drinks"
+    )
+    ask_for_drink_sequence.add_children([
+        ask_for_drink, 
+        answer_drink, 
+        ask_for_confirmation_drink,
+        answer_confirmation_drink])
+    find_drink_selector.add_children([
+        already_have_drink, 
+        ask_for_drink_sequence,
+    ])
+    root.add_children([find_name_selector, find_drink_selector])
+    # root.add_children([find_drink_selector])
+    # root.add_children([find_name_selector])
+    return root
+def main():
+    """
+    """
+    rclpy.init(args=None)
+    root = create_root()
+    tree = py_trees_ros.trees.BehaviourTree(
+        root=root,
+        unicode_tree_debug=True
+    )
+    try:
+        tree.setup(timeout=15)
+    except py_trees_ros.exceptions.TimedOutError as e:
+        console.logerror(console.red + "failed to setup the tree, aborting [{}]".format(str(e)) + console.reset)
+        tree.shutdown()
+        rclpy.shutdown()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        # not a warning, nor error, usually a user-initiated shutdown
+        console.logerror("tree setup interrupted")
+        tree.shutdown()
+        rclpy.shutdown()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    tree.tick_tock(period_ms=1000.0)
+    try:
+        rclpy.spin(tree.node)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        pass
+    tree.shutdown()
+    rclpy.shutdown()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/bt_to_py_tree_script.py b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/bt_to_py_tree_script.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39a899b9bfe1576c5cb8ca5052c4cd9ca01c2e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/bt_to_py_tree_script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+    Very rudimentary way of converting a .tree file to py_trees code.
+    It will not write all code for you, but it will fix the structure 
+    and write all the initializations & tidy upp the adding of children to parents.
+    See https://github.com/jan-dolejsi/vscode-btree) for instruction on the syntax for the plugin
+    Creation of behaviour classes and minor code tweaking will still be needed
+    (<> are not included when writing, they are just used as clear dividers in this docstring)
+    See the example.tree file for examples of how everything should be written
+    USAGES:
+        # Disclaimer: 
+            # Please do not use numbers at the start of names :)
+            # Any <> with [Opt] inside means it is optional, though skipping it decreases the amount this script auto-completes for you
+            # Not giving a [Opt] name will cause py_trees to auto generate a name
+        Added syntax for .tree files to convert to py_trees code:
+            # Anything that start with <behaviour> will have it's name set as whatever is inside the behaviour clamps, unless specified otherwise
+            # i.e the behaviour "[Close Door]" will be named "Close Door" and it's variable will be "close_door"
+            # Any <> with [Opt] means it is optional, though it lessens the amount this script auto-completes for you
+            # Comments in the .tree file are allowed to be written on lines with no characters other than " " or "|" before ";;". See example.tree for clarification
+            ------ Composite based implementations ------
+            - Composites: <composite>;;<composite name>
+            - Optional Parallel "*" implementations:
+                - SuccessOnAll policy (default): =1;;<parallel name> 
+                - SuccessOnOne policy: =2;;<parallel name> 
+                - SuccessOnSelected policy: =3;;<parallel name>;;<child, child, ..., child>  
+            - Idioms: 
+                - <composite>;;<idiom name>;;<idiom> (Looks weird in tree preview but it was the only way to implement it)
+            ---------------------------------------------
+            ------ Behaviour based implementations ------
+            - Behaviour (Separate class name and variable name)
+                - <behaviour>;;<class name>
+                behaviour => variable name
+                name => class name
+            - Constant Behaviour Status: 
+                - <behaviour>;;<behaviour status> (i.e. "(Constant Success);;Success" or "[Close door];;FAILURE or [Constant running];;running")
+            - Blackboard Behaviours:
+                - TODO: ADD THIS
+            - Meta:
+                <behaviour>;;Meta;;<function name [Opt]>
+                (Not giving a function name will leave it undefined and will need to be changed)
+            - Timers:
+                <behaviour>;;Timer;;<int [Opt]>
+            - Decorators:
+                Normal decorator syntax:
+                - <behaviour>;;<decorator>;;<decorator name [Opt]>
+                Special decorator syntax:
+                - Timeout: <behaviour>;;Timeout;;<timeout name [Opt]>;;<int [Opt]>
+                - Condition: <behaviour>;;Condition;;<condition name [Opt]>;;<behaviour status [Opt]>
+                - Inverter: !<behaviour>;;<inverter name [Opt]>
+            ---------------------------------------------
+        Composites:
+        - Selector
+        - Sequence
+        - Parallel
+        - Parallel policies (policies)
+        Idioms:
+        - EitherOr
+        - EternalGuard
+        - OneShot
+        - PickUpWhereYouLeftOff / PUWYLO
+        Behaviour status:
+        - Success (constant)
+        - Running (constant)
+        - Failure (constant)
+        Meta:
+        - Meta (Create behaviour from function)
+        Timers:
+        - Timer
+        Decorators:
+        - Condition
+        - EternalGuard
+        - OneShot
+        - Inverter
+        - Timeout
+        - FailureIsRunning
+        - FailureIsSuccess
+        - RunningIsFailure
+        - RunningIsSuccess
+        - SuccessIsFailure
+        - SuccessIsRunning
+from io import TextIOWrapper
+import sys
+from typing import Iterable, List
+def to_variable(s: str) -> str:
+    return s.lower().strip().replace(' ', '_').replace('?','_QUESTION').replace("'", "").replace('-', '')
+def to_class(s: str) -> str:
+    return s.replace(' ', '').replace("'", " ").replace('?','_QUESTION').replace("'", "")
+def to_behaviour(s: str) -> str:
+    return s.strip().replace('!', '')[1:-1] # Remove ! from inverter and then ( ) or [ ]
+def get_name_from_composite(s: str) -> str:
+    return s.split(';;')[-1] # Always want the last index 
+def get_name_from_dict_elem(d: str) -> str:
+    return get_name_from_composite(list(d.keys())[0])
+def dict_insert_or_append(adict: dict, key, val) -> None:
+    '''Insert a value in dict at key if one does not exist
+    Otherwise, convert value to list and append
+    '''
+    if key in adict:
+        if type(adict[key]) != list:
+            adict[key] = [adict[key]]
+        adict[key].append(val)
+    else:
+        adict[key] = val
+def refactor_input(file_to_read: str) -> List[dict]:
+    '''
+        Takes a file as input and returns a list of dictionaries, one dictionary for each line in the file with its contents and "level" of indentation
+        {
+            "name": Content of the line (excluding " " and "|"), 
+            "value": Empty list for now, might be used later, #TODO: Decide if this is needed
+            "level": Level of indentation
+        }
+    '''
+    result = []
+    with open(file_to_read, 'r') as input:
+        for line in input:
+            curr_line = line.strip()
+            indents = 0
+            for i in range(0,len(curr_line)):
+                if curr_line[i] == '|':
+                    indents += 1
+                elif curr_line[i] == ' ':
+                    continue
+                elif curr_line[i] == ';': # Allows comments to be written in the .tree file
+                    break 
+                else:
+                    result.append({'name': curr_line[i:], 'value': [], 'level': indents})
+                    break
+    input.close
+    return result
+def convert_to_tree(ttree: dict, current_level: int =0) -> dict:
+    '''
+        Based on Tomcat's answer here https://www.py4u.net/discuss/22067
+        Returns a tree based structure of dictionaries
+    '''
+    result = {}
+    for i in range(0,len(ttree)):
+        current_dict = ttree[i]
+        try:
+            next_dict  = ttree[i+1]
+        except:
+            next_dict = {'level':-1}
+        # Edge cases
+        if current_dict['level']>current_level:
+            continue
+        if current_dict['level']<current_level:
+            return result
+        # Recursion
+        # Next in line is on the same level, should add to current dict
+        if next_dict['level']==current_level:
+            dict_insert_or_append(result,current_dict['name'],current_dict['value'])
+        # Next in line is on a deeper level, create sub-dict and add to current dict
+        elif next_dict['level']>current_level:
+            rr = convert_to_tree(ttree[i+1:], current_level=next_dict['level'])
+            dict_insert_or_append(result,current_dict['name'],rr)
+        # Next in line is one level higher, add current dict to result and finish this recursion
+        else:
+            dict_insert_or_append(result,current_dict['name'],current_dict['value'])
+            return result
+    return result
+def write_formatted_elems_as_list(writer: TextIOWrapper, formatted_elements: Iterable) -> None:
+    '''
+        Enumerates through all elements of the iterable and writes them as a list 
+    '''
+    writer.write('[')
+    for i, e in enumerate(formatted_elements):
+        writer.write(f'{to_variable(e)}')
+        if i+1 != len(formatted_elements):
+            writer.write(', ')
+    writer.write(']')
+def write_unformatted_elems_as_list(writer: TextIOWrapper, unformatted_elements: Iterable) -> None:
+    '''
+        Enumerates through all elements of the iterable, formats them and writes them as a list 
+    '''
+    writer.write('[')
+    for i, e in enumerate(unformatted_elements):
+        elem = get_name_from_composite(e)
+        if elem[0] in BEHAVIOURS:
+            elem = elem[1:-1]
+        writer.write(f'{to_variable(elem)}')
+        if i+1 != len(unformatted_elements):
+            writer.write(', ')
+    writer.write(']')
+def write_tree(writer: TextIOWrapper, tree: list, parent: str ='') -> None:
+    '''
+        Main function performing the brute of the conversion of the .tree file 
+        into py_trees code through recursion
+    '''
+    def write_idiom() -> None:
+        #TODO: Add functionality to specify condition behaviours
+        # Continue recursion so children of these idioms get initialized before they are needed in the declaration of the idiom
+        write_tree(writer, tree[elem])
+        if composite_extension == 'OneShot':
+            subtree_behaviour = to_variable(get_name_from_dict_elem(tree[elem]))
+            writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.idioms.oneshot(behaviour={subtree_behaviour}, name="{name}", variable_name="{varr_name}") # variable_name parameter might need to be changed\n')
+        elif composite_extension == 'EternalGuard':
+            writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.idioms.eternal_guard(subtree=')
+            write_unformatted_elems_as_list(writer, tree[elem])
+            writer.write(f', name="{name}", conditions=[ADD_CONDITION_BEHAVIOURS], blackboard_namespace=None) # Default blackboard_namespace variable\n')
+        elif composite_extension == 'PickUpWhereYouLeftOff' or composite_extension == 'PUWYLO':
+            writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.idioms.pick_up_where_you_left_off(behaviours=')
+            write_unformatted_elems_as_list(writer, tree[elem])
+            writer.write(', name="{name}") # Make sure behaviours are in correct order\n')
+        elif composite_extension == 'EitherOr':
+            writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.idioms.either_or(conditions=[ADD_CONDITION_BEHAVIOURS], subtrees=')
+            write_unformatted_elems_as_list(writer, tree[elem])
+            writer.write(f', name={varr_name}, namespace=None) # Default namespace\n')
+    def write_composite() -> None:
+        is_success_on_selected_policy = False
+        # Parallel
+        if c_key[0] == '=':
+            # Add different policies
+            if c_key[1] == '3': # SuccessOnSelected (Edge case)
+                # Recurse the children first since they will be needed for the 'children' parameter
+                write_tree(writer, tree[elem], varr_name)
+                is_success_on_selected_policy = True
+                writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.composites.Parallel(name="{name}", policy=py_trees.common.ParallelPolicy.SuccessOnSelected(children=')
+                parallel_extension = composite_extension
+                if parallel_extension is not None:
+                    unformatted_children = parallel_extension.split(',')
+                    formatted_children = []
+                    for child in unformatted_children:
+                        formatted_children.append(to_variable(child))
+                    write_formatted_elems_as_list(writer, formatted_children)
+                else:
+                    writer.write('[INPUT_OWN_CHILDREN_HERE]')
+                writer.write(', synchronize=True))\n')
+            else:
+                writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.composites.Parallel(name="{name}", ')
+                if c_key[1] == '2': # SuccessOnOne
+                    writer.write('policy=py_trees.common.ParallelPolicy.SuccessOnOne)\n')
+                else: # SuccessOnAll (Default)
+                    writer.write('policy=py_trees.common.ParallelPolicy.SuccessOnAll(synchronize=True))\n')
+        else:
+            # Selector
+            if c_key == '?':
+                writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.composites.Selector(name="{name}")\n')
+            # Sequence
+            elif c_key == '->':
+                writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="{name}")\n')
+        # Normally we want to continue recursion after initialization of the composite
+        if not is_success_on_selected_policy:
+            write_tree(writer, tree[elem], varr_name)
+    def write_behaviour() -> None:
+        desired_behaviour = None
+        class_name = None
+        try:
+            if key_name_list[1].lower() in BEHAVIOUR_EXTENSIONS:
+                desired_behaviour = key_name_list[1].lower().capitalize()
+            else:
+                # If a specific behaviour type is not specified then assume the name of the class comes after the ';;'
+                class_name = key_name_list[1]
+        except:
+            pass
+        varr_name = to_variable(name)
+        ### Extra implementations
+        if desired_behaviour is not None:
+            if desired_behaviour == 'Meta':
+                writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.meta.create_behaviour_from_function')
+                if len(key_name_list) == 3: # A desired function name has also been given
+                    func_name = key_name_list[2]
+                    writer.write(f'({func_name})\n')
+                else:
+                    writer.write('(ADD_A_FUNCTION)\n')
+            elif desired_behaviour == 'Timer':
+                writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.timers.Timer(name="{name}", duration={key_name_list[2]})\n')
+            elif desired_behaviour == 'Subtree':
+                writer.write(f'{varr_name} = {varr_name.split("_subtree")[0]}({first_node})\n')
+            # Const behaviours (Success, Running, Fail)
+            else:
+                writer.write(f'{varr_name} = py_trees.behaviours.{desired_behaviour}(name="{name}")\n')
+            #TODO: Implement more kinds of behaviours
+        # Standard behaviour
+        else:
+            if class_name is not None:
+                behaviour = to_class(class_name)
+            else:
+                behaviour = to_class(name)
+            writer.write(f'{varr_name} = {behaviour}(name="{name}"{node})\n')
+        if parent:
+            writer.write(f'{parent}.add_child({varr_name})\n')
+    def write_decorator(decorator_name: str) -> None:
+        decorator_line = ''
+        tree_to_recurse = None
+        if c_key[0] == '!':
+            try:
+                decorator_name = key_name_list[1]
+            except:
+                decorator_name = None
+            # Remove the '!' from the name
+            tree_to_recurse = {name[1:]: tree[elem]}
+            if decorator_name is not None:
+                varr_name = to_variable(decorator_name)
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.Inverter(child={decorator_child}, name="{decorator_name}")\n'
+            else:
+                #TODO: If number of inverters cause any issues, add a counter
+                varr_name = decorator_child + '_INVERTER'
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.Inverter(child={decorator_child})\n'
+        elif decorator == 'Condition':
+            '''
+                4 possible cases:
+                    - <behaviour>;;Condition;;<condition name>;;<status>
+                    - <behaviour>;;Condition;;<condition name>
+                    - <behaviour>;;Condition;;<status>
+                    - <behaviour>;;Condition
+            '''
+            # Remove the decorator from the name
+            tree_to_recurse = {name: tree[elem]}
+            # Check if there is a desired status
+            try:
+                status = key_name_list[3]
+            except:
+                try: # The status's already exist in BEHAVIOUR_EXTENSIONS
+                    if key_name_list[2] in BEHAVIOUR_EXTENSIONS:
+                        status = key_name_list[2]
+                    else:
+                        status = None
+                except:
+                    status = None
+            if decorator_name is not None:
+                varr_name = to_variable(decorator_name)
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.Condition(child={decorator_child}, name="{decorator_name}"'
+            else:
+                varr_name = decorator_child + '_CONDITION'
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.Condition(child={decorator_child}' 
+            if status is not None: # Add the desired status parameter
+                decorator_line += f', status=py_trees.common.Status.{status.upper()})\n'
+            else:
+                decorator_line += ')\n'
+        elif decorator == 'EternalGuard':
+            # Remove the decorator from the name
+            tree_to_recurse = {name: tree[elem]}
+            if decorator_name is not None:
+                varr_name = to_variable(decorator_name)
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.EternalGuard(child={decorator_child}, name="{decorator_name}", condition=ADD_CONDITION, blackboard_keys=[ADD_BLACKBOARD_KEYS])\n'
+            else:
+                varr_name = decorator_child + '_ETERNAL_GUARD'
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.EternalGuard(child={decorator_child}, condition=ADD_CONDITION, blackboard_keys=[ADD_BLACKBOARD_KEYS])\n'
+        elif decorator == 'OneShot':
+            # Remove the decorator from the name
+            tree_to_recurse = {name: tree[elem]}
+            if decorator_name is not None:
+                varr_name = to_variable(decorator_name)
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.OneShot(child={decorator_child}, name="{decorator_name}")\n'
+            else:
+                varr_name = decorator_child + '_ONESHOT'
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorator.OneShot(child={decorator_child})\n'
+        elif decorator == 'Timeout':
+            duration = None
+            try: # Check for the duration
+                duration = key_name_list[3]
+            except:
+                if isinstance(key_name_list[2], int):
+                    duration = key_name_list[2]
+            tree_to_recurse = {name: tree[elem]}
+            # Write line with name if given
+            if decorator_name is not None:
+                varr_name = to_variable(decorator_name)
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.Timeout(child={decorator_child}, name="{decorator_name}"'
+            else:
+                varr_name = decorator_child + '_TIMEOUT'
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorator.Timeout(child={decorator_child}'
+            # Add duration if given
+            if decorator is not None:
+                decorator_line += f', duration={duration})\n'
+            else:
+                decorator_line += ')\n'
+        # X is Y cases
+        else:
+            # Remove the decorators from the name
+            tree_to_recurse = {name: tree[elem]}
+            if decorator_name is not None:
+                varr_name = to_variable(decorator_name)
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.{decorator}(child={decorator_child}, name="{decorator_name}")\n'
+            else:
+                varr_name = decorator_child + f'_{decorator.upper()}'
+                decorator_line = f'{varr_name} = py_trees.decorators.{decorator}(child={decorator_child})\n'
+        # Recurse the child first so it's initialized before parent (decorator) is written
+        write_tree(writer, tree_to_recurse)
+        writer.write(decorator_line)
+        writer.write(f'{parent}.add_child({varr_name})\n')
+    for elem in tree:
+        key_name_list = elem.split(';;')
+        c_key = key_name_list[0] # Guaranteed to always be one element
+        if c_key[0] in COMPOSITES:
+            try:
+                name = key_name_list[1] # If its a composite, there is a second element which is the desired name
+            except:
+                raise RuntimeError('Composite missing name: ' + key_name_list) # In case someone forgets to give a name
+            varr_name = to_variable(name)
+            composite_extension = None
+            try:
+                composite_extension = key_name_list[2] # If there is a third element, there is a desired idiom or parallel policy to be used
+            except:
+                # No idiom desired
+                pass
+            # ------ IDIOMS ------
+            # Idioms are decorators that handle entire sub-trees
+            if composite_extension in IDIOMS:
+                write_idiom()
+            # ------ COMPOSITES ------
+            else:
+                write_composite()
+            # Used to not write a parent to the root
+            if parent:
+                writer.write(f'{parent}.add_child({varr_name})\n')
+        else:
+            decorator = None
+            decorator_name = None
+            try: # Look if there is a decorator and a desired name for it
+                if isinstance(key_name_list[2], int): # If an int exist here, the decorator is Timeout and no name was given
+                    decorator = key_name_list[1]
+                else:
+                    if key_name_list[1] in DECORATORS:
+                        decorator = key_name_list[1]
+                        decorator_name = key_name_list[2]
+            except:
+                try: # Look if there is only a decorator
+                    if key_name_list[1] in DECORATORS and key_name_list[1] not in BEHAVIOUR_EXTENSIONS:
+                        decorator = key_name_list[1]
+                except: # None of the above => A behaviour was given
+                    pass
+            # ------ BEHAVIOURS ------
+            if c_key[0] in BEHAVIOURS and decorator is None:
+                name = c_key[1:-1]
+                write_behaviour()
+            # ------ DECORATORS ------
+            # Decorators handle a SINGLE child
+            elif c_key[0] in DECORATORS or decorator in DECORATORS:
+                name = c_key
+                decorator_child = to_behaviour(to_variable(name))
+                write_decorator(decorator_name)
+            else: # Code was given something it can't handle, needs to be implemented
+                raise RuntimeError(f'Undefined behaviour for: "{elem}"')
+    writer.write("\n")
+def tidy_file(output_file_name: str, is_method: bool):
+    '''
+        Goes through the output file and reformats it to look better.
+        Groups the file into two sections:    
+        1. Initialization of all variables
+        2. Structuring the tree (adds children to behaviours)
+        Gathers .add_child() calls to the same behaviour into one .add_children() call instead (still retains correct order of children)
+        Also adds new initialization of behaviour if the same behaviour is used several times in the tree (due to that a behaviour only can have a single parent)
+    '''
+    root = None
+    regular_lines = []
+    children_to_add = {}
+    seen = {} # K: Variable name ; V: List[Unused initialized variable (should swap between 1 and 0), Whole line]
+    special_case_parallels = {}
+    with open(output_file_name, 'r') as input:
+        first_line = True
+        for line in input:
+            if first_line: # Root should always be on the first line of the file
+                root = line.split(' = ')[0]
+                first_line = False
+            if 'add_child' in line:
+                s = line.split('.')
+                name = s[0]
+                rest = s[1]
+                dict_insert_or_append(children_to_add, name, rest[rest.find('(')+1:rest.find(')')]) # Adds the child within the () of the method call to the dict
+            else:
+                if 'SuccessOnSelected' in line:
+                    children = line[line.find('[')+1: line.find(']')].split(',')
+                    form_children = [child.strip() for child in children]
+                    if form_children[0].isupper(): # Cheap way of checking if no children were specified
+                        form_children = []
+                    dict_insert_or_append(special_case_parallels, line, form_children)
+                regular_lines.append(line)
+    input.close
+    with open(output_file_name, 'w') as output:
+        output.write('import py_trees\n\n')
+        for line in regular_lines:
+            if line == '\n':
+                output.write(line)
+                continue
+            ls_rs = line.split(' = ')
+            name = ls_rs[0]
+            rest = ls_rs[1]
+            # Fill the dictionary with all variables
+            if name not in seen:
+                seen[name] = [1, line]
+                # Do not print the line yet, need to make sure it's children are initialized first
+                if line not in special_case_parallels:
+                    output.write(line)
+            # Make sure all children for SuccessOnSelected policy is initialized before initializing the parallel 
+            for special_parallel in special_case_parallels:
+                for child in special_case_parallels[special_parallel]:
+                    # For each child found, remove it from the list of children for the policy
+                    if child == name or child in seen:
+                        special_case_parallels[special_parallel].remove(child)
+                if len(special_case_parallels[special_parallel]) == 0:
+                    output.write(special_parallel)
+                    special_case_parallels.pop(special_parallel)
+                    break
+        for k, v in sorted(children_to_add.items()):
+            # Check if there are unused initialized variables, write one if not
+            # Checks if any of the elements in the dictionary match with a variable on the right side of the =
+            # If so, remove from the amount of unused variables of this kind
+            if isinstance(v, list):
+                for elem in v:
+                    # If this crashes something is wrong with write_tree() function
+                    if seen[elem][0] == 1:
+                        seen[elem][0] -= 1
+                    else:
+                        output.write(seen[elem][1])
+                output.write(f'{k}.add_children([')
+                for i, elem in enumerate(v):
+                    output.write(elem)
+                    if i != len(v)-1:
+                        output.write(', ')
+                output.write('])\n\n')
+            else:
+                # If this crashes something is wrong with write_tree() function
+                if seen[v][0] == 1:
+                    seen[v][0] -= 1
+                else:
+                    output.write(seen[v][1])
+                output.write(f'{k}.add_child({v})\n')
+        # Write the behaviour tree initialisation
+        if not is_method:
+            output.write(f'\n\nbehaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(root={root})\n')
+            output.write('behaviour_tree.setup(timeout=15)\n')
+            output.write('try:\n    behaviour_tree.tick_tock(\n        period_ms=500,\n        number_of_iterations=py_trees.trees.CONTINOUS_TICK_TOCK,\n        pre_tick_handler=None,\n        post_tick_handler=None\n    )\n')
+            output.write('except KeyboardInterrupt:\n     behaviour_tree.interrupt()\n')
+    output.close
+def create_method() -> None:
+    method_name = file_to_read.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+    root = ''
+    with open(output_file_name, 'r') as inp:
+        lines = inp.readlines()
+        inp.close()
+    with open(output_file_name, 'w') as out:
+        out.write(f'{lines[0]}\n') # "Import py_trees"
+        root = lines[2].split(" = ")[0] # Get the root for return
+        out.write(f'def {method_name}():')
+        for line in lines[1:]:
+            out.write(f'    {line}')
+        out.write(f'    return {root}')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    COMPOSITES = ['?', '-', '=']
+    IDIOMS = ['OneShot', 'EternalGuard', 'PickUpWhereYouLeftOff', 'PUWYLO', 'EitherOr']
+    BEHAVIOURS = ['[', '(']
+    BEHAVIOUR_EXTENSIONS = ['success', 'running', 'failure', 'meta', 'timer', "subtree"]
+    DECORATORS = ['!', 'Condition', 'EternalGuard', 'OneShot', 'Timeout', 'FailureIsRunning', 'FailureIsSuccess', 
+                'RunningIsFailure', 'RunningIsSuccess', 'SuccessIsFailure', 'SuccessIsRunning']
+    # This is used to add the 'node=self.node' parameter to behaviours
+    node = ""
+    first_node = ""
+    add_node = True
+    add_self_node = False
+    if add_node:
+        first_node = "node=node"
+        if add_self_node:
+            node = ", node=self.node"
+        else:
+            node = ", node=node"
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+        file_to_read = sys.argv[1]
+        output_file_name = sys.argv[2]
+    else:
+        file_to_read = 'src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/receptionist_v2.tree'
+        output_file_name = 'src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/output.py'
+    inp = refactor_input(file_to_read)
+    tree = convert_to_tree(inp)
+    with open(output_file_name, 'w') as output:
+        write_tree(output, tree)
+    output.close
+    # TODO: Correctly implement this
+    #ans = input('Do you wish this tree to be created as a method? (y/n)\n If no, a class will be created instead')
+    tidy_file(output_file_name, True)
+    create_method()
+    """
+    if ans == 'y':
+    else:
+        pass
+    """
+    print('-----------------------------------------------\n')
+    print(f'             Conversion finished!\n')
+    print(f'            Result can be found in:\n')
+    print(f'{output_file_name}\n')
+    print('-----------------------------------------------')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/headTouched.py b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/headTouched.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96e28accc0f00275457e324ed53ccec2fc95f00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/headTouched.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# License: BSD
+#   https://raw.githubusercontent.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/devel/LICENSE
+# Documentation
+.. argparse::
+   :module: py_trees.demos.selector
+   :func: command_line_argument_parser
+   :prog: py-trees-demo-selector
+.. graphviz:: dot/demo-selector.dot
+.. image:: images/selector.gif
+# Imports
+import argparse
+import py_trees
+import sys
+import time
+import py_trees.console as console
+# Classes
+def description():
+    content = "Higher priority switching and interruption in the children of a selector.\n"
+    content += "\n"
+    content += "In this example the higher priority child is setup to fail initially,\n"
+    content += "falling back to the continually running second child. On the third\n"
+    content += "tick, the first child succeeds and cancels the hitherto running child.\n"
+    if py_trees.console.has_colours:
+        banner_line = console.green + "*" * 79 + "\n" + console.reset
+        s = "\n"
+        s += banner_line
+        s += console.bold_white + "Selectors".center(79) + "\n" + console.reset
+        s += banner_line
+        s += "\n"
+        s += content
+        s += "\n"
+        s += banner_line
+    else:
+        s = content
+    return s
+def epilog():
+    if py_trees.console.has_colours:
+        return console.cyan + "And his noodly appendage reached forth to tickle the blessed...\n" + console.reset
+    else:
+        return None
+def command_line_argument_parser():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description(),
+                                     epilog=epilog(),
+                                     formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+                                     )
+    parser.add_argument('-r', '--render', action='store_true', help='render dot tree to file')
+    return parser
+def create_root():
+    root = py_trees.composites.Selector("Sequende")
+    success_after_two = py_trees.behaviours.Count(name="founda persona",
+                                                  fail_until=2,
+                                                  running_until=2,
+                                                  success_until=10)
+    always_running = py_trees.behaviours.Running(name="hola los personos")
+    root.add_children([success_after_two, always_running])
+    return root
+# Main
+def main():
+    """
+    Entry point for the demo script.
+    """
+    args = command_line_argument_parser().parse_args()
+    print(description())
+    py_trees.logging.level = py_trees.logging.Level.DEBUG
+    root = create_root()
+    ####################
+    # Rendering
+    ####################
+    if args.render:
+        py_trees.display.render_dot_tree(root)
+        sys.exit()
+    ####################
+    # Execute
+    ####################
+    root.setup_with_descendants()
+    for i in range(1, 11):
+        try:
+            print("\n--------- Tick {0} ---------\n".format(i))
+            root.tick_once()
+            print("\n")
+            print(py_trees.display.unicode_tree(root=root, show_status=True))
+            time.sleep(1.0)
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            break
+    print("\n")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/output.py b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/output.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..509563dabeab88bed762e8469dadd7946a197410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/output.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import py_trees
+def receptionist_v2():    
+    root = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="Root")
+    touchhead = py_trees.composites.Selector(name="TouchHead")
+    is_head_touched = IsHeadTouched(name="Is Head Touched", node=node)
+    wait_and_blink = Waitandblink(name="Wait and blink", node=node)
+    findpersontointroduce = py_trees.composites.Selector(name="FindPersonToIntroduce")
+    has_person_to_introduce = haspersontointroduce(name="has person to introduce", node=node)
+    doorgreeter = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="DoorGreeter")
+    navigate_door_subtree = navigatedoorsubtree(name="navigate door subtree", node=node)
+    doorchecker = py_trees.composites.Selector(name="DoorChecker")
+    is_door_open = isdooropen(name="is door open", node=node)
+    dooractions = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="DoorActions")
+    say:_open_door_promt = say:open_door_promt(name="say: open_door_promt", node=node)
+    check_door = checkdoor(name="check door", node=node)
+    personchecker = py_trees.composites.Selector(name="PersonChecker")
+    found_person = foundperson(name="found person", node=node)
+    greetactions = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="GreetActions")
+    find_person = findperson(name="find person", node=node)
+    greet_and_ask_subtree = greetandasksubtree(name="greet and ask subtree", node=node)
+    navigate:_sofa_subtree = navigate:sofasubtree(name="navigate: sofa subtree", node=node)
+    introducechecker = py_trees.composites.Selector(name="IntroduceChecker")
+    all_introduced = allintroduced(name="all introduced", node=node)
+    introduceactions = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="IntroduceActions")
+    introduce_person_subtree = Introducepersonsubtree(name="Introduce person subtree", node=node)
+    find_empty_spot_subtree = findemptyspotsubtree(name="find empty spot subtree", node=node)
+    reset_conditions = resetconditions(name="reset conditions", node=node)
+    dooractions.add_children([say:_open_door_promt, check_door])
+    doorchecker.add_children([is_door_open, dooractions])
+    doorgreeter.add_children([navigate_door_subtree, doorchecker, personchecker])
+    findpersontointroduce.add_children([has_person_to_introduce, doorgreeter])
+    greetactions.add_children([find_person, greet_and_ask_subtree])
+    introduceactions.add_children([introduce_person_subtree, all_introduced])
+    all_introduced = allintroduced(name="all introduced", node=node)
+    introducechecker.add_children([all_introduced, introduceactions])
+    personchecker.add_children([found_person, greetactions])
+    root.add_children([touchhead, findpersontointroduce, navigate:_sofa_subtree, introducechecker, find_empty_spot_subtree, reset_conditions])
+    touchhead.add_children([is_head_touched, wait_and_blink])
+    return root
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/receptionist_v2.tree b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/receptionist_v2.tree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c467cf830f48d32559ff9a7337a83db598acb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/lhw_intelligence/trees/testing/receptionist_v2.tree
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+|    ?;;TouchHead
+|    |    (Is Head Touched)
+|    |    [Wait and blink]
+|    ?;;FindPersonToIntroduce
+|    |    (has person to introduce)
+|    |    ->;;DoorGreeter
+|    |    |    [navigate door subtree]
+|    |    |    ?;;DoorChecker
+|    |    |    |    (is door open)
+|    |    |    |    ->;;DoorActions
+|    |    |    |    |    [say: open_door_promt] 
+|    |    |    |    |    [check door]
+|    |    |    ?;;PersonChecker
+|    |    |    |    (found person)
+|    |    |    |    ->;;GreetActions
+|    |    |    |    |    [find person]
+|    |    |    |    |    [greet and ask subtree]
+|    [navigate: sofa subtree]
+|    ?;;IntroduceChecker
+|    |    (all introduced)
+|    |    ->;;IntroduceActions
+|    |    |    [Introduce person subtree]
+|    |    |    (all introduced)
+|    [find empty spot subtree]
+|    [reset conditions]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lhw_intelligence/setup.py b/src/lhw_intelligence/setup.py
index 7176c27b0a08fda820b958c23b46686bcd0d2c20..dfa409a078960896f2380a7ab874fdc720cee5f5 100644
--- a/src/lhw_intelligence/setup.py
+++ b/src/lhw_intelligence/setup.py
@@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ package_name = 'lhw_intelligence'
         package_name + ".trees.scenario_trees",
         package_name + ".behaviours"
             ['resource/' + package_name]),
@@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ setup(
         'console_scripts': [
             #'ai_core = lhw_intelligence.ai_core:main',
             #'find_person = lhw_intelligence.find_person:main',
             #'fake_dialogflow = lhw_intelligence.fake_dialogflow:main',
@@ -35,7 +38,9 @@ setup(
             #'battery_check_tree = lhw_intelligence.battery_check_tree:main',
             #'tree-point-action = lhw_intelligence.tree_point_action:main',
             #'tree-stage-two = lhw_intelligence.tree_stage_two:main',
-            'head_touch_tree = lhw_intelligence.trees.scenario_trees.head_touch_tree:main'
+            'head_touch_tree = lhw_intelligence.trees.scenario_trees.head_touch_tree:main',
+            'greet-person-tree = lhw_intelligence.trees.scenario_trees.greet_person_tree:main'