diff --git a/b_asic/abstract_operation.py b/b_asic/abstract_operation.py
index 558022a7b12304c2052d3263f20c9d2339ad8531..7cee1790930ce6de9dd056696a07153f020f8671 100644
--- a/b_asic/abstract_operation.py
+++ b/b_asic/abstract_operation.py
@@ -15,100 +15,100 @@ from b_asic.utilities import breadth_first_search
 from b_asic.abstract_graph_component import AbstractGraphComponent
 class AbstractOperation(Operation, AbstractGraphComponent):
-	"""Generic abstract operation class which most implementations will derive from.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
-	_input_ports: List[InputPort]
-	_output_ports: List[OutputPort]
-	_parameters: Dict[str, Optional[Any]]
-	def __init__(self, **kwds):
-		super().__init__(**kwds)
-		self._input_ports = []
-		self._output_ports = []
-		self._parameters = {}
-	@abstractmethod
-	def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
-		"""Evaluate the operation and generate a list of output values given a list of input values."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	def inputs(self) -> List[InputPort]:
-		return self._input_ports.copy()
-	def outputs(self) -> List[OutputPort]:
-		return self._output_ports.copy()
-	def input_count(self) -> int:
-		return len(self._input_ports)
-	def output_count(self) -> int:
-		return len(self._output_ports)
-	def input(self, i: int) -> InputPort:
-		return self._input_ports[i]
-	def output(self, i: int) -> OutputPort:
-		return self._output_ports[i]
-	def params(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[Any]]:
-		return self._parameters.copy()
-	def param(self, name: str) -> Optional[Any]:
-		return self._parameters.get(name)
-	def set_param(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
-		assert name in self._parameters # TODO: Error message.
-		self._parameters[name] = value
-	def evaluate_outputs(self, state: SimulationState) -> List[Number]:
-		# TODO: Check implementation.
-		input_count: int = self.input_count()
-		output_count: int = self.output_count()
-		assert input_count == len(self._input_ports) # TODO: Error message.
-		assert output_count == len(self._output_ports) # TODO: Error message.
-		self_state: OperationState = state.operation_states[self]
-		while self_state.iteration < state.iteration:
-			input_values: List[Number] = [0] * input_count
-			for i in range(input_count):
-				source: Signal = self._input_ports[i].signal
-				input_values[i] = source.operation.evaluate_outputs(state)[source.port_index]
-			self_state.output_values = self.evaluate(input_values)
-			assert len(self_state.output_values) == output_count # TODO: Error message.
-			self_state.iteration += 1
-			for i in range(output_count):
-				for signal in self._output_ports[i].signals():
-					destination: Signal = signal.destination
-					destination.evaluate_outputs(state)
-		return self_state.output_values
-	def split(self) -> List[Operation]:
-		# TODO: Check implementation.
-		results = self.evaluate(self._input_ports)
-		if all(isinstance(e, Operation) for e in results):
-			return results
-		return [self]
-	@property
-	def neighbours(self) -> List[Operation]:
-		neighbours: List[Operation] = []
-		for port in self._input_ports:
-			for signal in port.signals:
-				neighbours.append(signal.source.operation)
-		for port in self._output_ports:
-			for signal in port.signals:
-				neighbours.append(signal.destination.operation)
-		return neighbours
-	def traverse(self) -> Operation:
-		"""Traverse the operation tree and return a generator with start point in the operation."""
-		return breadth_first_search(self)
-	# TODO: More stuff.
+    """Generic abstract operation class which most implementations will derive from.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
+    _input_ports: List[InputPort]
+    _output_ports: List[OutputPort]
+    _parameters: Dict[str, Optional[Any]]
+    def __init__(self, **kwds):
+        super().__init__(**kwds)
+        self._input_ports = []
+        self._output_ports = []
+        self._parameters = {}
+    @abstractmethod
+    def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
+        """Evaluate the operation and generate a list of output values given a list of input values."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def inputs(self) -> List[InputPort]:
+        return self._input_ports.copy()
+    def outputs(self) -> List[OutputPort]:
+        return self._output_ports.copy()
+    def input_count(self) -> int:
+        return len(self._input_ports)
+    def output_count(self) -> int:
+        return len(self._output_ports)
+    def input(self, i: int) -> InputPort:
+        return self._input_ports[i]
+    def output(self, i: int) -> OutputPort:
+        return self._output_ports[i]
+    def params(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[Any]]:
+        return self._parameters.copy()
+    def param(self, name: str) -> Optional[Any]:
+        return self._parameters.get(name)
+    def set_param(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
+        assert name in self._parameters # TODO: Error message.
+        self._parameters[name] = value
+    def evaluate_outputs(self, state: SimulationState) -> List[Number]:
+        # TODO: Check implementation.
+        input_count: int = self.input_count()
+        output_count: int = self.output_count()
+        assert input_count == len(self._input_ports) # TODO: Error message.
+        assert output_count == len(self._output_ports) # TODO: Error message.
+        self_state: OperationState = state.operation_states[self]
+        while self_state.iteration < state.iteration:
+            input_values: List[Number] = [0] * input_count
+            for i in range(input_count):
+                source: Signal = self._input_ports[i].signal
+                input_values[i] = source.operation.evaluate_outputs(state)[source.port_index]
+            self_state.output_values = self.evaluate(input_values)
+            assert len(self_state.output_values) == output_count # TODO: Error message.
+            self_state.iteration += 1
+            for i in range(output_count):
+                for signal in self._output_ports[i].signals():
+                    destination: Signal = signal.destination
+                    destination.evaluate_outputs(state)
+        return self_state.output_values
+    def split(self) -> List[Operation]:
+        # TODO: Check implementation.
+        results = self.evaluate(self._input_ports)
+        if all(isinstance(e, Operation) for e in results):
+            return results
+        return [self]
+    @property
+    def neighbours(self) -> List[Operation]:
+        neighbours: List[Operation] = []
+        for port in self._input_ports:
+            for signal in port.signals:
+                neighbours.append(signal.source.operation)
+        for port in self._output_ports:
+            for signal in port.signals:
+                neighbours.append(signal.destination.operation)
+        return neighbours
+    def traverse(self) -> Operation:
+        """Traverse the operation tree and return a generator with start point in the operation."""
+        return breadth_first_search(self)
+    # TODO: More stuff.
diff --git a/b_asic/core_operations.py b/b_asic/core_operations.py
index 52f18361de75c1f8bc7ea415a8501916298796c9..f023e1a53417abb6b4613e3af48e2460ed9fa038 100644
--- a/b_asic/core_operations.py
+++ b/b_asic/core_operations.py
@@ -13,70 +13,70 @@ from b_asic.graph_component import Name, TypeName
 class Input(Operation, AbstractGraphComponent):
-	"""Input operation.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
+    """Input operation.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
-	# TODO: Implement all functions.
+    # TODO: Implement all functions.
-	@property
-	def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
-		return "in"
+    @property
+    def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
+        return "in"
 class Constant(AbstractOperation):
-	"""Constant value operation.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
+    """Constant value operation.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
-	def __init__(self, value: Number, **kwds):
-		"""Construct a Constant."""
-		super().__init__(**kwds)
-		self._output_ports = [OutputPort(1, self)] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
-		self._parameters["value"] = value
+    def __init__(self, value: Number, **kwds):
+        """Construct a Constant."""
+        super().__init__(**kwds)
+        self._output_ports = [OutputPort(1, self)] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
+        self._parameters["value"] = value
-	def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
-		return [self.param("value")]
+    def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
+        return [self.param("value")]
-	@property
-	def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
-		return "const"
+    @property
+    def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
+        return "const"
 class Addition(AbstractOperation):
-	"""Binary addition operation.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
+    """Binary addition operation.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
-	def __init__(self, **kwds):
-		"""Construct an Addition."""
-		super().__init__(**kwds)
-		self._input_ports = [InputPort(1, self), InputPort(1, self)] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
-		self._output_ports = [OutputPort(1, self)] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
+    def __init__(self, **kwds):
+        """Construct an Addition."""
+        super().__init__(**kwds)
+        self._input_ports = [InputPort(1, self), InputPort(1, self)] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
+        self._output_ports = [OutputPort(1, self)] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
-	def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
-		return [inputs[0] + inputs[1]]
+    def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
+        return [inputs[0] + inputs[1]]
-	@property
-	def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
-		return "add"
+    @property
+    def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
+        return "add"
 class ConstantMultiplication(AbstractOperation):
-	"""Unary constant multiplication operation.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, coefficient: Number, **kwds):
-		"""Construct a ConstantMultiplication."""
-		super().__init__(**kwds)
-		self._input_ports = [InputPort(1), self] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
-		self._output_ports = [OutputPort(1, self)] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
-		self._parameters["coefficient"] = coefficient
-	def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
-		return [inputs[0] * self.param("coefficient")]
-	@property
-	def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
-		return "const_mul"
+    """Unary constant multiplication operation.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, coefficient: Number, **kwds):
+        """Construct a ConstantMultiplication."""
+        super().__init__(**kwds)
+        self._input_ports = [InputPort(1), self] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
+        self._output_ports = [OutputPort(1, self)] # TODO: Generate appropriate ID for ports.
+        self._parameters["coefficient"] = coefficient
+    def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
+        return [inputs[0] * self.param("coefficient")]
+    @property
+    def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
+        return "const_mul"
diff --git a/b_asic/operation.py b/b_asic/operation.py
index 5d4b404ddcb4f2f8925a9808bcaec4712bb49c12..4a716b7900958a7eabae188bf763513afa5ab5e5 100644
--- a/b_asic/operation.py
+++ b/b_asic/operation.py
@@ -10,83 +10,83 @@ from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
 from b_asic.graph_component import GraphComponent
-	from b_asic.port import InputPort, OutputPort
-	from b_asic.simulation import SimulationState
+    from b_asic.port import InputPort, OutputPort
+    from b_asic.simulation import SimulationState
 class Operation(GraphComponent):
-	"""Operation interface.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
-	@abstractmethod
-	def inputs(self) -> "List[InputPort]":
-		"""Get a list of all input ports."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def outputs(self) -> "List[OutputPort]":
-		"""Get a list of all output ports."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def input_count(self) -> int:
-		"""Get the number of input ports."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def output_count(self) -> int:
-		"""Get the number of output ports."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def input(self, i: int) -> "InputPort":
-		"""Get the input port at index i."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def output(self, i: int) -> "OutputPort":
-		"""Get the output port at index i."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def params(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[Any]]:
-		"""Get a dictionary of all parameter values."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def param(self, name: str) -> Optional[Any]:
-		"""Get the value of a parameter.
-		Returns None if the parameter is not defined.
-		"""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def set_param(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
-		"""Set the value of a parameter.
-		The parameter must be defined.
-		"""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def evaluate_outputs(self, state: "SimulationState") -> List[Number]:
-		"""Simulate the circuit until its iteration count matches that of the simulation state,
-		then return the resulting output vector.
-		"""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def split(self) -> "List[Operation]":
-		"""Split the operation into multiple operations.
-		If splitting is not possible, this may return a list containing only the operation itself.
-		"""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@property
-	@abstractmethod
-	def neighbours(self) -> "List[Operation]":
-		"""Return all operations that are connected by signals to this operation.
-		If no neighbours are found this returns an empty list
-		"""
-		raise NotImplementedError
+    """Operation interface.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def inputs(self) -> "List[InputPort]":
+        """Get a list of all input ports."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def outputs(self) -> "List[OutputPort]":
+        """Get a list of all output ports."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def input_count(self) -> int:
+        """Get the number of input ports."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def output_count(self) -> int:
+        """Get the number of output ports."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def input(self, i: int) -> "InputPort":
+        """Get the input port at index i."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def output(self, i: int) -> "OutputPort":
+        """Get the output port at index i."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def params(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[Any]]:
+        """Get a dictionary of all parameter values."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def param(self, name: str) -> Optional[Any]:
+        """Get the value of a parameter.
+        Returns None if the parameter is not defined.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def set_param(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
+        """Set the value of a parameter.
+        The parameter must be defined.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def evaluate_outputs(self, state: "SimulationState") -> List[Number]:
+        """Simulate the circuit until its iteration count matches that of the simulation state,
+        then return the resulting output vector.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def split(self) -> "List[Operation]":
+        """Split the operation into multiple operations.
+        If splitting is not possible, this may return a list containing only the operation itself.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @property
+    @abstractmethod
+    def neighbours(self) -> "List[Operation]":
+        """Return all operations that are connected by signals to this operation.
+        If no neighbours are found this returns an empty list
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/b_asic/port.py b/b_asic/port.py
index a8a062fc2f6b30a255aff44b49c8026a7d735dab..6cbd59ba21806567b76899cd98dbdc40ad4ddf18 100644
--- a/b_asic/port.py
+++ b/b_asic/port.py
@@ -13,117 +13,117 @@ PortId = NewType("PortId", int)
 class Port(ABC):
-	"""Abstract port class.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
-	_port_id: PortId
-	_operation: Operation
-	def __init__(self, port_id: PortId, operation: Operation):
-		self._port_id = port_id
-		self._operation = operation
-	@property
-	def identifier(self) -> PortId:
-		"""Get the unique identifier."""
-		return self._port_id
-	@property
-	def operation(self) -> Operation:
-		"""Get the connected operation."""
-		return self._operation
-	@property
-	@abstractmethod
-	def signals(self) -> List[Signal]:
-		"""Get a list of all connected signals."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def signal(self, i: int = 0) -> Signal:
-		"""Get the connected signal at index i."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def signal_count(self) -> int:
-		"""Get the number of connected signals."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def connect(self, signal: Signal) -> None:
-		"""Connect a signal."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	@abstractmethod
-	def disconnect(self, i: int = 0) -> None:
-		"""Disconnect a signal."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
+    """Abstract port class.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
+    _port_id: PortId
+    _operation: Operation
+    def __init__(self, port_id: PortId, operation: Operation):
+        self._port_id = port_id
+        self._operation = operation
+    @property
+    def identifier(self) -> PortId:
+        """Get the unique identifier."""
+        return self._port_id
+    @property
+    def operation(self) -> Operation:
+        """Get the connected operation."""
+        return self._operation
+    @property
+    @abstractmethod
+    def signals(self) -> List[Signal]:
+        """Get a list of all connected signals."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def signal(self, i: int = 0) -> Signal:
+        """Get the connected signal at index i."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def signal_count(self) -> int:
+        """Get the number of connected signals."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def connect(self, signal: Signal) -> None:
+        """Connect a signal."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def disconnect(self, i: int = 0) -> None:
+        """Disconnect a signal."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
 class InputPort(Port):
-	"""Input port.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
-	_source_signal: Optional[Signal]
+    """Input port.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
+    _source_signal: Optional[Signal]
-	def __init__(self, port_id: PortId, operation: Operation):
-		super().__init__(port_id, operation)
-		self._source_signal = None
+    def __init__(self, port_id: PortId, operation: Operation):
+        super().__init__(port_id, operation)
+        self._source_signal = None
-	@property
-	def signals(self) -> List[Signal]:
-		return [] if self._source_signal is None else [self._source_signal]
+    @property
+    def signals(self) -> List[Signal]:
+        return [] if self._source_signal is None else [self._source_signal]
-	def signal(self, i: int = 0) -> Signal:
-		assert 0 <= i < self.signal_count() # TODO: Error message.
-		assert self._source_signal is not None # TODO: Error message.
-		return self._source_signal
+    def signal(self, i: int = 0) -> Signal:
+        assert 0 <= i < self.signal_count() # TODO: Error message.
+        assert self._source_signal is not None # TODO: Error message.
+        return self._source_signal
-	def signal_count(self) -> int:
-		return 0 if self._source_signal is None else 1
+    def signal_count(self) -> int:
+        return 0 if self._source_signal is None else 1
-	def connect(self, signal: Signal) -> None:
-		self._source_signal = signal
-		signal.destination = self
+    def connect(self, signal: Signal) -> None:
+        self._source_signal = signal
+        signal.destination = self
-	def disconnect(self, i: int = 0) -> None:
-		assert 0 <= i < self.signal_count() # TODO: Error message.
-		self._source_signal.disconnect_source()
-		self._source_signal = None
+    def disconnect(self, i: int = 0) -> None:
+        assert 0 <= i < self.signal_count() # TODO: Error message.
+        self._source_signal.disconnect_source()
+        self._source_signal = None
-	# TODO: More stuff.
+    # TODO: More stuff.
 class OutputPort(Port):
-	"""Output port.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
+    """Output port.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
-	_destination_signals: List[Signal]
+    _destination_signals: List[Signal]
-	def __init__(self, port_id: PortId, operation: Operation):
-		super().__init__(port_id, operation)
-		self._destination_signals = []
+    def __init__(self, port_id: PortId, operation: Operation):
+        super().__init__(port_id, operation)
+        self._destination_signals = []
-	@property
-	def signals(self) -> List[Signal]:
-		return self._destination_signals.copy()
+    @property
+    def signals(self) -> List[Signal]:
+        return self._destination_signals.copy()
-	def signal(self, i: int = 0) -> Signal:
-		assert 0 <= i < self.signal_count() # TODO: Error message.
-		return self._destination_signals[i]
+    def signal(self, i: int = 0) -> Signal:
+        assert 0 <= i < self.signal_count() # TODO: Error message.
+        return self._destination_signals[i]
-	def signal_count(self) -> int:
-		return len(self._destination_signals)
+    def signal_count(self) -> int:
+        return len(self._destination_signals)
-	def connect(self, signal: Signal) -> None:
-		assert signal not in self._destination_signals # TODO: Error message.
-		self._destination_signals.append(signal)
-		signal.source = self
+    def connect(self, signal: Signal) -> None:
+        assert signal not in self._destination_signals # TODO: Error message.
+        self._destination_signals.append(signal)
+        signal.source = self
-	def disconnect(self, i: int = 0) -> None:
-		assert 0 <= i < self.signal_count() # TODO: Error message.
-		del self._destination_signals[i]
+    def disconnect(self, i: int = 0) -> None:
+        assert 0 <= i < self.signal_count() # TODO: Error message.
+        del self._destination_signals[i]
-	# TODO: More stuff.
+    # TODO: More stuff.
diff --git a/b_asic/precedence_chart.py b/b_asic/precedence_chart.py
index 93b86164fec041c20d9b170839897ecff96ccfdf..be55a123e0ab4330057c0bb62581e45195f5e5ba 100644
--- a/b_asic/precedence_chart.py
+++ b/b_asic/precedence_chart.py
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ from b_asic.signal_flow_graph import SFG
 class PrecedenceChart:
-	"""Precedence chart constructed from a signal flow graph.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
+    """Precedence chart constructed from a signal flow graph.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
-	sfg: SFG
-	# TODO: More members.
+    sfg: SFG
+    # TODO: More members.
-	def __init__(self, sfg: SFG):
-		self.sfg = sfg
-		# TODO: Implement.
+    def __init__(self, sfg: SFG):
+        self.sfg = sfg
+        # TODO: Implement.
-	# TODO: More stuff.
+    # TODO: More stuff.
diff --git a/b_asic/schema.py b/b_asic/schema.py
index 41938263d144a066822befc5ad0a3a2ab41839c4..e5068cdc080c5c5004c44c885ac48f52ba44c1f3 100644
--- a/b_asic/schema.py
+++ b/b_asic/schema.py
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ from b_asic.precedence_chart import PrecedenceChart
 class Schema:
-	"""Schema constructed from a precedence chart.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
+    """Schema constructed from a precedence chart.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
-	pc: PrecedenceChart
-	# TODO: More members.
+    pc: PrecedenceChart
+    # TODO: More members.
-	def __init__(self, pc: PrecedenceChart):
-		self.pc = pc
-		# TODO: Implement.
+    def __init__(self, pc: PrecedenceChart):
+        self.pc = pc
+        # TODO: Implement.
-	# TODO: More stuff.
+    # TODO: More stuff.
diff --git a/b_asic/signal.py b/b_asic/signal.py
index 810c00dc48a3d366f264851b10ab0a58569b2951..4d80530e5442e0413839673dfd3685e81568a088 100644
--- a/b_asic/signal.py
+++ b/b_asic/signal.py
@@ -7,46 +7,46 @@ from b_asic.graph_component import TypeName
 from b_asic.abstract_graph_component import AbstractGraphComponent
-	from b_asic import OutputPort, InputPort
+    from b_asic import OutputPort, InputPort
 class Signal(AbstractGraphComponent):
-	"""A connection between two ports."""
-	_source: "OutputPort"
-	_destination: "InputPort"
-	def __init__(self, src: Optional["OutputPort"] = None, dest: Optional["InputPort"] = None, **kwds):
-		super().__init__(**kwds)
-		self._source = src
-		self._destination = dest
-	@property
-	def source(self) -> "OutputPort":
-		"""Returns the source OutputPort of the signal."""
-		return self._source
-	@property
-	def destination(self) -> "InputPort":
-		"""Returns the destination InputPort of the signal."""
-		return self._destination
-	@source.setter
-	def source(self, src: "OutputPort") -> None:
-		"""Sets the value of the source OutputPort of the signal."""
-		self._source = src
-	@destination.setter
-	def destination(self, dest: "InputPort") -> None:
-		"""Sets the value of the destination InputPort of the signal."""
-		self._destination = dest
-	@property
-	def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
-		return "s"
-	def disconnect_source(self) -> None:
-		"""Disconnects the source OutputPort of the signal."""
-		self._source = None
-	def disconnect_destination(self) -> None:
-		"""Disconnects the destination InputPort of the signal."""
-		self._destination = None
+    """A connection between two ports."""
+    _source: "OutputPort"
+    _destination: "InputPort"
+    def __init__(self, src: Optional["OutputPort"] = None, dest: Optional["InputPort"] = None, **kwds):
+        super().__init__(**kwds)
+        self._source = src
+        self._destination = dest
+    @property
+    def source(self) -> "OutputPort":
+        """Returns the source OutputPort of the signal."""
+        return self._source
+    @property
+    def destination(self) -> "InputPort":
+        """Returns the destination InputPort of the signal."""
+        return self._destination
+    @source.setter
+    def source(self, src: "OutputPort") -> None:
+        """Sets the value of the source OutputPort of the signal."""
+        self._source = src
+    @destination.setter
+    def destination(self, dest: "InputPort") -> None:
+        """Sets the value of the destination InputPort of the signal."""
+        self._destination = dest
+    @property
+    def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
+        return "s"
+    def disconnect_source(self) -> None:
+        """Disconnects the source OutputPort of the signal."""
+        self._source = None
+    def disconnect_destination(self) -> None:
+        """Disconnects the destination InputPort of the signal."""
+        self._destination = None
diff --git a/b_asic/signal_flow_graph.py b/b_asic/signal_flow_graph.py
index 38c46697dcde8f701945dc27ca11965909b68336..6a91521afa50cd0261b2eff0b78f149170316ad4 100644
--- a/b_asic/signal_flow_graph.py
+++ b/b_asic/signal_flow_graph.py
@@ -14,78 +14,78 @@ from b_asic.graph_component import GraphComponent, Name, TypeName
 class SFG(AbstractOperation):
-	"""Signal flow graph.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
-	_graph_components_by_id: Dict[GraphID, GraphComponent]
-	_graph_components_by_name: DefaultDict[Name, List[GraphComponent]]
-	_graph_id_generator: GraphIDGenerator
-	def __init__(self, input_signals: List[Signal] = None, output_signals: List[Signal] = None, \
-				ops: List[Operation] = None, **kwds):
-		super().__init__(**kwds)
-		if input_signals is None:
-			input_signals = []
-		if output_signals is None:
-			output_signals = []
-		if ops is None:
-			ops = []
-		self._graph_components_by_id = dict() # Maps Graph ID to objects
-		self._graph_components_by_name = defaultdict(list) # Maps Name to objects
-		self._graph_id_generator = GraphIDGenerator()
-		for operation in ops:
-			self._add_graph_component(operation)
-		for input_signal in input_signals:
-			self._add_graph_component(input_signal)
-		# TODO: Construct SFG based on what inputs that were given
-		# TODO: Traverse the graph between the inputs/outputs and add to self._operations.
-		# TODO: Connect ports with signals with appropriate IDs.
-	def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
-		return [] # TODO: Implement
-	def _add_graph_component(self, graph_component: GraphComponent) -> GraphID:
-		"""Adds the entered graph component to the SFG's dictionary of graph objects and
-	 	returns a generated GraphID for it.
-		Keyword arguments:
-		graph_component: Graph component to add to the graph.
-		"""
-		# Add to name dict
-		self._graph_components_by_name[graph_component.name].append(graph_component)
-		# Add to ID dict
-		graph_id: GraphID = self._graph_id_generator.get_next_id(graph_component.type_name)
-		self._graph_components_by_id[graph_id] = graph_component
-		return graph_id
-	def find_by_id(self, graph_id: GraphID) -> Optional[GraphComponent]:
-		"""Finds a graph object based on the entered Graph ID and returns it. If no graph
-		object with the entered ID was found then returns None.
-		Keyword arguments:
-		graph_id: Graph ID of the wanted object.
-		"""
-		if graph_id in self._graph_components_by_id:
-			return self._graph_components_by_id[graph_id]
-		return None
-	def find_by_name(self, name: Name) -> List[GraphComponent]:
-		"""Finds all graph objects that have the entered name and returns them
-		in a list. If no graph object with the entered name was found then returns an
-		empty list.
-		Keyword arguments:
-		name: Name of the wanted object.
-		"""
-		return self._graph_components_by_name[name]
-	@property
-	def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
-		return "sfg"
+    """Signal flow graph.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
+    _graph_components_by_id: Dict[GraphID, GraphComponent]
+    _graph_components_by_name: DefaultDict[Name, List[GraphComponent]]
+    _graph_id_generator: GraphIDGenerator
+    def __init__(self, input_signals: List[Signal] = None, output_signals: List[Signal] = None, \
+                ops: List[Operation] = None, **kwds):
+        super().__init__(**kwds)
+        if input_signals is None:
+            input_signals = []
+        if output_signals is None:
+            output_signals = []
+        if ops is None:
+            ops = []
+        self._graph_components_by_id = dict() # Maps Graph ID to objects
+        self._graph_components_by_name = defaultdict(list) # Maps Name to objects
+        self._graph_id_generator = GraphIDGenerator()
+        for operation in ops:
+            self._add_graph_component(operation)
+        for input_signal in input_signals:
+            self._add_graph_component(input_signal)
+        # TODO: Construct SFG based on what inputs that were given
+        # TODO: Traverse the graph between the inputs/outputs and add to self._operations.
+        # TODO: Connect ports with signals with appropriate IDs.
+    def evaluate(self, inputs: list) -> list:
+        return [] # TODO: Implement
+    def _add_graph_component(self, graph_component: GraphComponent) -> GraphID:
+        """Adds the entered graph component to the SFG's dictionary of graph objects and
+         returns a generated GraphID for it.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        graph_component: Graph component to add to the graph.
+        """
+        # Add to name dict
+        self._graph_components_by_name[graph_component.name].append(graph_component)
+        # Add to ID dict
+        graph_id: GraphID = self._graph_id_generator.get_next_id(graph_component.type_name)
+        self._graph_components_by_id[graph_id] = graph_component
+        return graph_id
+    def find_by_id(self, graph_id: GraphID) -> Optional[GraphComponent]:
+        """Finds a graph object based on the entered Graph ID and returns it. If no graph
+        object with the entered ID was found then returns None.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        graph_id: Graph ID of the wanted object.
+        """
+        if graph_id in self._graph_components_by_id:
+            return self._graph_components_by_id[graph_id]
+        return None
+    def find_by_name(self, name: Name) -> List[GraphComponent]:
+        """Finds all graph objects that have the entered name and returns them
+        in a list. If no graph object with the entered name was found then returns an
+        empty list.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        name: Name of the wanted object.
+        """
+        return self._graph_components_by_name[name]
+    @property
+    def type_name(self) -> TypeName:
+        return "sfg"
diff --git a/b_asic/simulation.py b/b_asic/simulation.py
index c4f7f8f366a5298ab7104b14741d61a3cc42f7c9..50adaa522b6d685b428354a9f84689330b7fd40f 100644
--- a/b_asic/simulation.py
+++ b/b_asic/simulation.py
@@ -8,28 +8,28 @@ from typing import List
 class OperationState:
-	"""Simulation state of an operation.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
+    """Simulation state of an operation.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
-	output_values: List[Number]
-	iteration: int
+    output_values: List[Number]
+    iteration: int
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.output_values = []
-		self.iteration = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.output_values = []
+        self.iteration = 0
 class SimulationState:
-	"""Simulation state.
-	TODO: More info.
-	"""
+    """Simulation state.
+    TODO: More info.
+    """
-	# operation_states: Dict[OperationId, OperationState]
-	iteration: int
+    # operation_states: Dict[OperationId, OperationState]
+    iteration: int
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.operation_states = {}
-		self.iteration = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.operation_states = {}
+        self.iteration = 0
-	# TODO: More stuff.
+    # TODO: More stuff.
diff --git a/test/graph_id/test_graph_id_generator.py b/test/graph_id/test_graph_id_generator.py
index 7aeb6cad27e43233a88eb69e58bd89f78a863c5b..8af36e8c1713c92a7790d30039019176ebe3bc4f 100644
--- a/test/graph_id/test_graph_id_generator.py
+++ b/test/graph_id/test_graph_id_generator.py
@@ -26,4 +26,3 @@ def test_different_strings_generator():
     assert graph_id_generator.get_next_id("mul") == "mul1"
     assert graph_id_generator.get_next_id("sub") == "sub2"
     assert graph_id_generator.get_next_id("mul") == "mul2"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/port/test_outputport.py b/test/port/test_outputport.py
index 5c76bb480fa63488073f6dab9f82c3f3ce00b4f3..6ca126d549de8d73051731a31225063501da8013 100644
--- a/test/port/test_outputport.py
+++ b/test/port/test_outputport.py
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ def test_connect_multiple_signals(signals):
     assert outp_port.signal_count() == 3
-    assert outp_port.signals == signals
\ No newline at end of file
+    assert outp_port.signals == signals