Problem with flattening SFGs
It seems like the following would be a way to flatten SFGs:
from b_asic.signal_flow_graph import SFG
from b_asic.sfg_generators import wdf_allpass
allpass = wdf_allpass(0.5)
allpass2 = allpass.replace_operation(allpass.find_by_id('sym2p1').to_sfg(), 'sym2p1')
allpass3 = SFG(allpass2.input_operations, allpass2.output_operations)
but creating allpass3 leads to
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /local/data1/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spyder_kernels/ in compat_exec
exec(code, globals, locals)
File /local/data1/B-ASIC/b_asic/
allpass3 = SFG(allpass2.input_operations, allpass2.output_operations)
File /local/data1/B-ASIC/b_asic/ in __init__
File /local/data1/B-ASIC/b_asic/ in _add_operation_connected_tree_copy
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Signal (id: s1, name: no_name, bits: None) without destination in SFG